Volume 13 Bootable document Erlang God (6)

He led Wang Guan and Ran Gui, hid the boot book, and went to Yang Taiwei's house. When the upright Qiu came back from the strike, the doorman answered and went out to meet him.

Yin Da service road:? This is not the place to talk. ? Qiu led them to the small library in the west. He didn't ask anyone to follow him, but asked Wang to guard them, while Ran Gui waited on them in the study. Dayun clearly tells the story of the past, and so on. But how to deal with it? Xiaguan dare not make a claim. ? Qiu looked at it and stayed for a long time, thinking that a surname minister, extremely rich, would not have such a thing. But this boot comes from his home. It must be the people around the master who do such a bad thing. ? After discussing for a while, I want to take this boot to the Taishi mansion for a while, for fear that it will interfere with decency and inconvenience. If you want to stay in the cabinet, this is a serious problem. You've been a judge twice, you've arrested envoys, you've asked Ichiro. It's out in the open. I was confused for a while, but I couldn't get away with it. If the saint is angry and blames him for not discussing it, he has to hand it over to the king and go home. I also asked people to look after the sedan chair. They hid their boots and books beside them and ran to the same place as Yin Da Road. Exactly: I can't find a place to get it, and I don't have to work hard to get it.

Now Qiu He is going to Cai Taishi's mansion. After waiting for a long reply, a surnamed Yu called to meet him at the academy. After drinking the daily tea soup, the teacher said: Is there any whereabouts in this matter? Qiu Yue: The thief has a master's name, and he dare not catch it because of the face of the Taoist priest. ? A surname:? This is a serious matter, but how can I cover up my fault?

Qiu said: It's a little scary if a surname doesn't cover up its mistakes. ? A surname:? who is it? Straight to the question! ? Qiu said: Ask for a screen to talk to people, dare to talk nonsense. ?

A surname will soon be driven away. Qiu opened the file, presented a book and checked it with a surname. Service road:? This matter must be judged by the master himself, but it doesn't matter to outsiders. ?

A surname recites:? Strange, strange! ? Qiu said: This is an urgent matter, so don't take it to heart. ? A surname:? I don't blame you, but this boot is of unknown origin. ?

Qiu said: It is clearly written in the book that Zhang Qian in the government makes customization, which is not a lie. ? A surname:? Although these boots are made by Zhang Qian and paid, they have nothing to do with him. Speaking of it, in my family, crowns, clothes, boots, socks and other items are all shared by an adoptive mother. Either it's made at home or it's fed back and forth. Start packing one by one, and return the number every month without disorder. I'll just check the bottom book. ? Even if someone goes to check on the foster mother who manages the boots, call him out.

Now I will call my foster mother with a book in her hand. A surname asked:? This is a boot of my family. How can I get it from others? Even if we find it. ? The foster mother looked at them one by one, and it was obvious that these boots were made by our own people in mid-March last year. Shortly after she arrived at the yamen, a proté gé named Shi Yang, Mr. Kameyama, who was very close to a surname, was promoted to be the magistrate of a county near Gyeonggi, and came to bid farewell. Because he is a Taoist teacher, he is poorly dressed. The master ordered a round neck, a silver belt, a pair of Beijing boots and four handles with fans to give him a ride. This boot was given to the county magistrate by a surname Yang, and it was clearly written on it. Chunyulian and Qiu took a look together. Two people to apologize? Don't do anything in the apartment! The words of the two places collided only because of business pressure. I hope that Han Hai, a surname, will do it! ? A surname laughs:? This is your duty, of course, it's not your fault. It's just how Yang Guishan is willing to pretend. There are reasons. Now he is not far from here. I called him to know. You two go and don't tell anyone. ? The two of them were ordered to go home. A surname sent for Yang Zhifu. Back and forth for two days, I arrived in Beijing and went to a surname. After drinking the tea soup, the teacher said that the magistrate of a county is the parents of the people, but he is so pretentious; This is the sin of being fascinated by the sky. ? I said all the above things one by one. Yang magistrate of a county bowed down and said: Teachers are superior. Last year, a student studied well, but didn't leave Beijing. Suddenly, his eyes hurt in a mansion. Legend has it that there is a temple in Qingyuan, and Erlang is very clever, so he makes a wish and burns incense in return when his eyes get better. Later, when he got well, he went to the temple to burn incense, only to find that Jiro's crown and clothes were neat, and only his black boots were exploding, which was out of proportion. Xiaguan is going to support Boot House and Erlang God. Only this is the real language. The magistrate of a county has never cheated a darkroom in his life. Since he read Confucius and Mencius, how dare he steal the chicken and touch the dog? Please have a closer look. ? A surname never knew that Yang Guishan was a great scholar. How could he do that? Hearing this, the service road; ? I also know your reputation. They will not be convinced until you come and ask why. ? Take care of food and wine, bid farewell to the magistrate of a county and pay the bill. The magistrate left and left. Exactly: I didn't do anything wrong the other day, and it's not surprising to knock at the door in the middle of the night.

Tai Shi invited Yang Taiwei and Teng to come over and said, "Let's go." ? You don't have to worry about Yang Zhifu's affairs, but you should search hard and grasp hard in Kaifeng. ? At present, Yin Da was silent, but he still picked up his boots, said goodbye and went back to the house. He called the king to observe and said, at first, it still had some influence, but now it has become a cake. You still take this boot and give it five days. You must catch the thief and answer. ? At present, the king observes and leads this messenger, which makes him feel depressed. He came to the envoy's room and said to Ran Gui, Look how unlucky I am! Everything is fine, it depends on you to follow Ichiro. Since it is a matter of the imperial government, I only care about officials and let nature take its course. But how can I ask this person to come again, but I don't know that he didn't buy it elsewhere in the lettuce shop!

I remember, since Yang is a magistrate of a county and Erlang God, I'm afraid it is not necessarily Shinto. How can I prove it before I can reply to Yin Da Rangui? Aside from observation, I also know that I don't do anything to Ichiro, nor do I do anything to Taishicai and Yang Zhifu.

If Erlang God did what he did, can Shinto still do such dishonest things in the temple? This must be the work of a demon near the temple. Go to the front and back of the house and ask for some wind. Seize it and observe Hugh's joy; If you can't catch it, don't worry about observing it ? Observation:? You're right. ?

Even if the boots and ran GUI are closed.

However, you packed a grocery bag, clung to a delicate thing called Jingbou, and rocked all the way to Erlang Temple. I leaned against my shoulder, lit incense and whispered to him: Divine warning, blessing, however, is expensive to catch Yangfu early and clear the right and wrong for Shinto. ? Come on, even signing three is good luck. Ran Gui thanked him for going out, picked a load and walked around the front and back of the house, looking around and never closing his eyes again. Look at another place, there is a single door, but the door is half-window, and there are half-new and half-old bamboo curtains hanging on the door, half-hidden, only to hear shouts: sell goods! ? When Rangui heard this, he looked back and saw that it was an epigenetic woman. He said, Tell this lady what happened to someone. The woman said: you buy groceries. Here is one thing. You can sell a few samples and buy me a bite to eat.