What should I do if my child usually gets good grades but becomes anxious when the exam comes?
Xiaoxue, a sophomore in high school, has been among the top three in her class all the way through elementary and middle school. But what she fears most is the exam. Whenever she has to take an exam, she feels anxious and worried, afraid of herself This time it was impossible to get a good test score. I am afraid that after my grades are poor, the teacher will not like the discussions between classmates. As the college entrance examination is getting closer, she has more and more thoughts like this! May seriously affect sleep quality. (Xiaoxue, pen name. Because I can’t remember the name, most of the articles contain this name. Now when I see Xiaoxue, I will automatically compare it to high school students!)
Things like Xiaoxue often happen in Some children with excellent grades. Children in this category often have high demands on themselves and need to save face. In addition, they are particularly lacking in confidence in their own learning abilities. Therefore, they are particularly worried about the serious consequences of not being able to maintain the title of good self-study. Children with more severe symptoms may even avoid taking exams by claiming to be sick, or simply avoid going to school to prevent the situation they fear from happening.
In the process of working with many anxious children, I found the following 5 ways to effectively change children’s anxiety: Keep a study diary. Children are often anxious and may not do well in key exams. , a large part of the reason is the lack of trust in oneself and one's own learning ability, so there is blind anxiety.
Therefore, we can let the children prepare a notebook to record their daily learning. In such a small notebook, record down truthfully what subjects you have learned every day and what training you have achieved. The focus of this record is real, uninterrupted. Before the exam, let the children flip through this book at will. This allows the child to discover that he has already done so much for the exam and there is no reason to feel anxious anymore. Looking back at the past to discover the truth
When children are anxious, we can ask them to recall the things they have experienced in the past. Based on the memories, the children will find that the exams that they thought were so important in the past are not that important. Nothing that I was worried about happened. Therefore, instead of being so anxious that you can't eat well or sleep well, it's better to tell yourself to focus on the present and prepare for the exam. Chatting with classmates who are in this situation can increase your strength
As for exam anxiety, as the college entrance examination approaches, more and more children are anxious. Allow children to talk with children who have had the same experience as themselves, listen to other people's stories, and see how they overcame anxiety. When a child discovers that he is not the only one who is anxious, he will feel less anxious.