Use the idiom "Wang Zi" to give a name, which means good and sunny.

Wang Zuo's talented assistant: assistant. To assist the emperor's ability to achieve great things.

Naixin's royal family was meant to be loyal to the imperial court, and later it was compared with patriotism.

Being a saint inside and being a king outside means that on the one hand, you have the talent and virtue of a saint, and on the other hand, you can exercise kingliness. This is the political thought of Taoism.

Emperor Ming originally refers to the monarch with outstanding moral intelligence in ancient times. Later, it was generally called the wise emperors of past dynasties.

Heavenly King Lao Zi is a metaphor for the most sovereign and authoritative person.

princes and princes generally refer to the nobles with high status, great wealth, great weight and great power in feudal society.

Prince Sun's son was a nobleman and bureaucrat in the old days.

Your majesty is a great minister of the country. Later, it refers to high officials and nobles.

Emperors associate emperors, princes, and civil servants and military commanders. Refers to the upper rulers in feudal times.

When being punished, the king said that he first suffered hardships and then flew to Huang Da.

Goose King's choice of milk is a metaphor for choosing its superior essence.

fu lie Wang Hou lie: equal. Rich as kings and princes. Describe very rich.

the son of a prince and grandson, a nobleman and bureaucrat in the old days.