As long as the material is good, the quality is good, and the clothes are comfortable, the clothes that suit you are the best. Besides, the famous brands bought by your friends may not be real famous brands. They are just stationed in shopping malls and put on. It’s just the prestige of a famous brand. How many people can afford a real famous brand? Since it is a choice between what you like and fake famous brands, of course you have to choose what you like. A pair of shoes costs more than 600 from Nike, more than 400 from Li-Ning, and more than 200 from 361°. Therefore, what kind of school you graduated from is very important. A pair of shoes costs only a few dozen yuan at a street stall, but goes up to a hundred or even hundreds in a shopping mall or specialty store. So, where you stay matters. In fact, buying clothes and shoes are both based on the same principle, what do you think? So, no matter what you buy, don’t worry about its background (specialty store or roadside stall) or its origin (famous brand or small workshop), as long as you like it, it’s OK. What do you think?