Generally, the camps in Pingchuan are square, and the subordinates are divided into five teams and distributed around Zhong Jun. There is a semi-circular camp on the back of the mountain. The commander-in-chief is in the middle, and his men are divided into two wings. If he is near the water, he will camp according to the shape of the current. If the camp is in our territory, it can be widened. In the enemy's territory, it should be more compact: no matter what form, "there should be a battalion in the battalion and a team in the team to contact and support each other." In the case of the enemy, it is easy to organize anti-superiority strikes. "It is necessary to set up defense facilities outside the camp. If you need to stick to it for a long time, you can build walls and towers, watch towers, dig trenches, set up horse pits in Abatis and other protective measures. If you are only stationed temporarily, you can cut a wooden fence and dig some trenches below. The earth piles dug in the trench are tightly pressed on the inner dike, and there is no certain trench crossing equipment, which is an insurmountable fortification. Temporary accommodation in progress can be connected to larger guard cars one after another.
The ancient army camping guards were very strict and cautious. At night, the sentry is equipped with military dogs, which are divided into 5 classes. Every shift change, the barracks are patrolled. The patrol was silent, and the sentry responded with a bow. The two sides checked the passwords, and the patrol and the sentry changed their posts together. Those who have not been replaced cannot leave, and the camp patrol can be cancelled after dawn. Others were sent to guard the main road dozens of steps to dozens of miles from the barracks. Every battalion has horses for emergencies, and the sentries carry drums and torches. Once there is an enemy situation, the enemy beats drums in a hurry during the day and makes a fire at night. When the enemy attacked, the attacked battalion beat drums, and other battalions also beat drums in response. The drums of the uninjured barracks can only be stopped, while the invaded barracks can only beat drums if there are enemies.