How do Japanese people choose their names?

There are more than 130,000 surnames in Japan. In addition to the top ten surnames (Sato, Suzuki, Takahashi, Tanaka, Watanabe, Ito, Yamamoto, Nakamura, Kobayashi, Saito), there are 100 surnames representing 100 surnames and 3600 common surnames, and the others are rare and rare surnames.

Use the first letter of the Chinese Pinyin of your father's last name plus the first letter of the Chinese Pinyin of your mother's last name, plus the first letter of each character of your first name (excluding the last name). One letter, and then compare it with the table below.

The first letter of the father’s surname: a. Leng b. Song c. Bai d. Yun e. Chang f. Ji g. Well h. Zhong i Village J . original k. wild l rattan m. god n. degree o. long p. mountain q. Wu r. palace s. valley t. Chuan w. combined x. on y. wood z. positive

The first letter of the mother's surname: a. Liang b. North c. Cai d. Di e. Russia f. Shang g. Ancient h. Hua i Ye J. Fruit k. Ku l Yuan m. Mei n. Nuo o. Han p. Pei q. Qing r. Ran s. Si t. Tian w. Bay x. Xiang y. Yi z. Zi

The first letter of your name: a.美 b.百 c. village d.dai e.russian f.fei h.hei qingj.wind k.yue lhara m.mi o.piao p.jiu q.rou r.sen s.vine t.ying w. Small J.子k.日l香m.千亿n.子o.灵p.川q.美r.文s.子t.利w.jinx.子y. Sakuraz.子

If the name has three characters, add a subtitle after the first three characters.