1 Taibo collects herbs
Original text
Yin Taibo, the eldest son of King Tai of Zhou. Brother Ji Li. Have a prosperous son. There is Sheng Rui. Tai Wang has the intention of passing on the throne, Ji Li and Chang. Taibo knows his father's wishes. That is to say, he made an appointment with his younger brother Zhongyong. Because of father's illness. In the name of collecting medicine. Escape from Jingman. Got tattooed. indicates unavailable. Confucius demonstrated his virtue.
Li Wengeng said that Taibo had fled. According to Zhu's annotation, let Shang be the final conclusion. However, he secretly observed the meaning of Taiwang's love for the season and prosperity. He led his younger brother to drift away. So that Wang Ji will naturally take the throne. And the king has no suspicion of establishing love. The music is all between father, son and brother. No trace. Who can do it without being the most virtuous?
Vernacular explanation
At the end of the Yin Dynasty. There is a man who is both filial and loving. His surname is Ji and his given name is Tai Bo. He was the eldest son of the king of Zhou Dynasty. His third brother. The name is Ji Li. Later Ji Li gave birth to a son. His name is Ji Chang. It was the later King Wen. When you are born. First there was a red sparrow. There was an alchemy book in his mouth. Stop on the portal. It represents the auspiciousness of the birth of a saint. Therefore, King Tai wanted to pass the position of king of Zhou Dynasty to Ji Li. Then Ji Li passed the throne to Chang. Tabor knew what his father meant. I made an appointment with my second brother named Zhong Yong. Pretend it's because my father is sick. Go to the mountains to collect medicine. By this name. The two brothers escaped to a barbarian place. Hair down. He also painted patterns on his body. Represent one's own body. You can no longer do anything in the world. Confucius praised Tai Bo. Said he had reached the point of supreme virtue.
2 Zhao Xiao fights to death
Original text
Han Zhao Xiao, courtesy name Changping, was friendly with his younger brother Li. When there is hunger in the year, thieves occupy Yiqiu Mountain, plunder the gifts and eat them. Xiao ran to the thief and said, "Li is sick and infertile and cannot eat. I am fat and I am willing to take his place." Li refused and said, "I was captured by the general. Death is my fate. How can you deserve it?" The brothers hugged each other and cried. The thief was moved and released him. After hearing about the incident, the imperial edict was transferred to each other.
The Kunzhong of the Zhao family was so filial to friends that he turned into a thief. If a thief is so evil that he kills people and eats them, and when all the thieves are hungry and desperate for food, he can still inspire compassion, and then there will be people in the world who cannot be transformed. "The Great Learning" says, "Brothers should be like brothers, and then they can teach the people of the country." That's not the case.
Vernacular explanation
During the Han Dynasty, there was a man named Zhao, whose sole name was Xiao, whose surname was Chang Ping. He was very friendly with his younger brother Zhao Li. One year, when the year was very poor, a group of bandits occupied Yiqiu Mountain, captured Zhao Li, and wanted to eat him.
Zhao Xiao quickly ran to the robbers and begged the robbers, saying that Zhao Li was a sick man and he was very thin, so he was not good to eat. My body was born very fat. I am willing to replace my brother and feed you. Please let my brother go. The robber hasn't spoken yet, so his brother Zhao Li will definitely refuse to agree. He said, I was caught by the generals, even if I died, it was my own fate. What crime did my brother have? The two brothers hugged each other and cried a lot.
The robber was also moved by them and released both brothers. This matter reached the emperor, who issued an edict and appointed both brothers as officials.
3 Xu Wu’s younger brother
Original text
Xu Wu of Han Dynasty, his father died, and his second brother Yan Puyou. Every time Wu plowed, he asked his younger brother to watch and teach at night. If he did not lead the teaching, he would kneel down in his family temple and accuse him. In the military examination, he was filial and honest, but his younger brother's name was not revealed, so his estate was divided into three. If you take a fertile field and a large house for yourself, the inferior one will be called your younger brother, and everyone will call you younger brother and despise martial arts. He and his younger brother were all elected, so they met with the clan members, weptly explained the reason, and recommended the child to his younger brother.
Xu Wu and Xue Bao are in exact opposite proportions. Xue Bao wanted beauty to be evil, but he didn't want to be known as his fat nephew, so he used all kinds of pretexts to cover it up. Xu Wu wants to gain more and less, but he actually suppresses his own desire to promote his younger brothers, so he shows it through all kinds of greedy behaviors. This is especially true if the opposite is true and the intention is painful.
1. Analyze, divide.
2. Bad: The opposite of good is still bad.
3. Despicable, despicable.
4. Inverse proportion: an arithmetic term that refers to the opposite of something.
Vernacular explanation
During the Han Dynasty, there was a man named Xu Mingwu. His father had died long ago, and he had two younger brothers left, one named Xu Yan and the other Xu Pu. They are still very young.
Whenever Xu Wu was plowing the fields, he would ask his two younger brothers to stand by and watch. At night, Xu Wu would teach his two younger brothers to read. If his younger brother does not listen to his teachings, he will kneel down in the family temple and confess his sins.
Later Xu Wu promoted Xiaolian, but because his two younger brothers were not yet famous, he divided the family property into three parts, and took the most fertile fields for himself, and the vast house, all the bad ones were given to his brother. Therefore, people in the society at that time praised his two younger brothers, but looked down on Xu Wu.
They were all given to his two younger brothers.
***Eight articles
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