Many people admire the benevolence, and all things become good. If you want to know the power of nature, you must look at the biography of westward journey.
The number of heaven and earth is one hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred years old. Divide one yuan into twelve clubs, which are twelve branches of Zi, Ugly, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu and Hai. Every meeting should be 18 years old. And as far as one day is concerned: when the child is young, the ugly crows; Yin can't get the light, but Mao can get the sunrise; After eating in the morning, the third one is in the row; In the middle of the day, but not in the west; When applying for the time, the sunset is unitary, and at dusk, people will decide the sea. For example, in a large number, if it comes to the end of the meeting, the world will faint and everything will be gone.
At the age of 5,4, at the beginning of the Shanghai meeting, it will be dark, and there will be no two characters, so it is called chaos. At the age of 5,4, Hai Hui will come to an end, and he will rise from Yuan Zhen, close to Zi Hui, and gradually become enlightened. Shao Kangjie said:? Half of the winter solstice, the heavenly heart has not changed. When the sun first moves, everything is not born. ? It didn't take root until today.
At the age of 5,4, it's just the time for the children's meeting, and it's light and clear, and there are stars and days. The sun, the moon and the stars are called four elephants. Therefore, it is said that heaven is born in the child. After another 5,4 years, the children's association will end, approaching the ugly association, and gradually become solid. "Yi" said:? Great, Ganyuan! Zhi zai Kun yuan! Everything is born, but it is inherited from heaven. ? At this point, the ground began to condense.
At the age of 5,4, it's just ugly, with heavy turbidity and condensation, water, fire, mountains, rocks and soil. Water, volcanic rocks and soil are called five shapes. Therefore, the land is ugly. After another 5,4 years, the ugly meeting ended and the yin meeting began, and everything happened. Calendar:? The weather drops and the atmosphere rises; When heaven and earth meet, all things are born. ? At this point, the sky is clear and clear, and yin and yang have intercourse.
At the age of 5,4, at the right time, animals will be born and birds will be born, which means that heaven and earth are human beings. Therefore, people are born in Yin.
The world is divided into four major continents: Shenzhou in the east, Hezhou in the west, Buzhou in the south and Luzhou in the north. This book list shows that East wins Shenzhou. There is a land overseas, called Aolaiguo. The country is near the sea, and there is a famous mountain in the sea, called Huaguo Mountain. This mountain is the ancestor of ten continents, and the origin of three islands. It has been standing since its inception and was judged by HarmonyOS. What a nice mountain! As evidenced by the Ci Fu, Fu said:
Wang Yang, a potential town, and Yaohai, Weining. In the town of Wang Yang, the silver fish in the tide enters the cave; Weining Yaohai, the waves turn over the snow and the waves wander away from the deep. The water and fire are high in the corner, and the east China sea is high in the top. Dan cliff is a strange rock, and the wall is cut off. Dan cliff, Cai Feng double-chimed; Before cutting the wall, Kirin lies alone. Listen to the golden rooster crowing at the peak, and every dragon in the grottoes comes and goes. There are deer and fox in the forest, and there are spiritual birds and cranes in the trees. Yao grass and strange flowers don't fade, and pines and cypresses are in Changchun. Xiantao often bears fruit, and every time you prune bamboo, you leave clouds. A ravine is dense with vines, and the grass on all sides is new in color. It is a hundred rivers that will be in Optimus Prime, and the roots of the earth will not be moved. Know
There is a fairy stone on the top of that mountain. Its stone is three feet six feet five inches high and two feet four feet round. Three feet six feet five inches high, according to 365 degrees on Sunday; Two feet and four feet around the circle, according to the political calendar. There are nine orifices and eight holes in the table. Press the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams. There are no trees on all sides to shade, but there are orchids on the left and right. Since Gai was opened up, every time he was naively shown, he became more and more refined, and he felt well-informed for a long time. Inbred fairy cells. One day it bursts and lays a stone egg, which is as big as a ball. Seeing the wind, he turned into a stone monkey. All five senses, all four limbs. I learned to crawl and walk, and I worshipped the four sides. Eyes carrying two golden lights, shot at Doufu. The Jade Emperor, who alarmed the great sage and kindness in the high heaven, revered God Xuan the king of world. He drove in the Hall of Lingxiao in the Golden Queyun Palace, gathered immortal Qing, and when he saw the golden flame, he ordered clairvoyance and clairvoyance to open the worse gate to watch. Two generals went out on orders, seeing the truth and listening clearly. Know
report immediately:? The place where I listened to the golden light was the boundary of a small country that was proud to come from the east of Shenzhou. There was a flower and fruit mountain, and there was a fairy stone on the mountain, which produced an egg. When I saw a weathered stone monkey, I worshipped everywhere, and my eyes shone with golden light and shot at Doufu. Now take bait and water, and the golden light will fade away. ? The jade emperor gave me kindness and said:? The things below are born of the essence of heaven and earth, and it is not different. ? Knowing
that monkey is in the mountains, but he can walk and jump, eat vegetation, drink springs, pick mountain flowers and find trees and fruits; Keep company with wolves and insects, tigers and leopards as a group, roe as a friend, and apes as relatives; Spend the night under the cliff, in the peak cave. Really? There is no jiazi in the mountains, and the cold does not know the year? . Once the weather was hot, I stayed with the monkeys for the summer, and they were all playing under the pine shade. You see him one by one? Know
jump trees and climb branches, pick flowers and find fruits; Throwing marbles, smashing children, running sand nests and building pagodas; Catch dragonflies, pounce? Eight waxes; Join the gods and worship the bodhisattva; Pull kudzu vine and weave grass? Not; Catch lice and bite fleas; Manage sweaters and remove nails; Get it, wipe it; Push, push, push; Pull, pull, pull, let him be stubborn under the pine forest, and wash with the green water. Know
A group of monkeys played for a while, but went to take a bath in that mountain stream. Seeing the torrent of water rushing, it was like rolling melons and splashing. As the old saying goes, birds have bird words, and animals have animal words. All the monkeys said:? I don't know where this water is. Today, we have nothing to do, so we sneak up along the stream to find out the origin and play tricks! ? Shout, drag men and women, call brother to call brother, run together, climb the mountain along the stream, until the source, but a waterfall flying spring. But see there? Knowing
a school of Bai Hong started to fly in the snow. The sea breeze keeps blowing, and the moonlight shines on the river. The ancient
cold air is divided into green and green, and the rest is moist and delicate. The murmur covers the famous waterfall, which is really like hanging a curtain. Zhai
The monkeys clapped their hands and said:? Good water, good water! It turns out that this place is far below the foot of the mountain and directly under the waves of the sea. ? Added:? The one who has the ability to get in and find a source and come out without hurting his health, we will worship him as king. ? After three breaths, I suddenly saw a stone monkey jumping out of the crowd and shouted: I'm going in! I'm going in! ? Good monkey! Is that him, too? Zhai
Today's fame is obvious, and it's time to come to Dayun Express. Destiny lives here, and heaven is sent to the fairy palace. Lord
Look at him crouching with his eyes closed. He dives vertically into the waterfall spring and suddenly looks up with his eyes open, but there is no water and no waves, which is a clear bridge. He stopped, calmed down, and looked carefully again. It turned out to be an iron slab bridge. The water under the bridge rushed between the stone openings and flowed out upside down, covering the bridge door. However, I owe myself a bridge, and I will look at it again, but it seems that I have a family residence. It's really a good place. But see there?
Green moss piles up blue, white clouds float jade, and light shakes the haze. Virtual window quiet room, sliding stool board flowers. The dragon ball in the milk cave hangs on the ground, and it is full of wonderful flowers. There are traces of fire on the cliff near the pot stove, and you can see the dregs by the case. The stone bed of the stone pedestal is really lovely, and the stone bowl of the stone basin is even more impressive. See that one pole and two poles pruning bamboo, plum blossom at 3: 5. A few pine trees often bring rain, just like a family.
After watching for a long time, I jumped over the middle of the bridge and looked around, only to see a stone tablet in the middle. There is a line of big characters in regular script on the tablet, engraved? Huaguoshan blessed land, water curtain cave cave? . Be in heaven, the stone ape, quickly pulled himself out and walked away. He crouched down with his eyes closed, jumped out of the water, and hit two times. Big luck, big luck! ? The monkeys surrounded him and asked, What's it like inside? How deep is the water? Stone monkey way:? No water, no water! It turned out to be an iron bridge. Beyond the bridge is a property made in heaven. ? The monkeys said:? How can I see a family? The stone monkey laughed. This water rushed through the stone hole under the bridge and hung upside down to cover the portal. There are flowers and trees by the bridge, which is a stone house. There are stone pots, stone stoves, stone bowls, stone beds and stone benches in the room, and a stone tablet in the middle is engraved with? Huaguoshan blessed land, water curtain cave cave? . The whole place is where we live. And it's wide inside, which can accommodate thousands of people. We all go in and live, and we don't have to be angry with God. Here?
It's windy, but it's rainy. There is no fear of frost and snow, and thunder will never be heard.
Haze always shines, and auspicious signs are smoked every time. The pine and bamboo show every year, and the strange flowers are new every day. ?
All the monkeys were delighted. Du Dao:? You go first, take us in, go in! ? The stone monkey crouched with his eyes closed, jumped in and cried, Come in with me, come in! ? Those monkeys were bold and jumped in; Timid, one by one, stretching his head and shrinking his neck, scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks, shouting and pestering for a while, all went in. Jumping over the bridge, grabbing pots and bowls one by one, occupying the kitchen and fighting for the bed, moving here and there is a monkey's stubborn nature, and there is no such thing as a peaceful time, only moving is exhausted. The stone ape sat on it and said, Well, people don't believe and don't know what they can do. You just said that if you have the ability to get in and get out, you will worship him as king without hurting your health. Now that I've come in and gone out, I've come out and come in, and I've found this cave and slept with you, enjoying the happiness of getting married. Why don't you worship me as king? When the monkeys heard that there was no violation of the arch, they arranged their teeth one by one and prayed upward, and they all called it? Chitose king? . Since then, the stone ape has ascended the throne and will? Stone? The word is hidden, so it is called the Monkey King. There is a poem to prove it. The poem says:
Sanyang Jiaotai produces a group of people, and the fairy stone cell contains the essence of the sun and the moon. Borrow the egg to turn the monkey into the main road, and pretend that his first name is Dan Cheng.
the inner view does not know why there is no phase, and the outer view knows that it is tangible. Everyone in the past dynasties belongs to this place, and they are called kings and saints.
The Monkey King led a group of apes, macaques, horse monkeys, etc., and sent his ministers and assistants to visit Huaguo Mountain in the morning and stay in water curtain cave in the evening, so as to sympathize with each other, not to be among birds, animals and the like, and to be king alone, which was extremely joyful. Is it?
Picking flowers in spring is a diet, and finding fruits in summer is a career. Autumn harvest taro chestnut delayed festival, winter looking for yellow precision old China.
The Monkey King is innocent. How long has it lasted for three or five hundred years? One day, between a wedding banquet with a group of monkeys, I suddenly felt worried and burst into tears. The monkeys hurriedly said,? What is your king's trouble? The Monkey King said, Although I am happy, I have a little foresight, so I am troubled. ? The monkeys laughed again. Your majesty is not satisfied! I'm waiting for a day-to-day party. I'm blessed in the fairy mountain and the ancient cave, and I'm not under the jurisdiction of Kirin, the phoenix tube or the king's restraint. I'm free and unrestrained. Why worry about it? The Monkey King said, Although I don't belong to the king's law today, I'm not afraid of brute force. In the future, I'm old and weak, and I'm secretly in charge of the king of Yan. Once I die, I don't want to live in the world in vain, and I can't stay in the world for a long time.
When the monkeys heard this, they hid their faces and cried sadly, all of them worried about impermanence. Suddenly, an ape with a straight back jumped out of the class and shouted loudly: If your majesty is so far-sighted, it's really called the development of Tao's mind! Today, among the five insects, only the third-class name is not under the control of Lao Zi, the king of Yan. ? The Monkey King said, You know the third class? The ape said:? It is the Buddha, the immortal and the sacred, which escape reincarnation, never die, and live with the mountains and rivers of heaven and earth. ? The Monkey King said, Where do these three live? The ape said:? He is only in the world of Yan Fu, within the ancient cave and fairy mountain. ? When the Monkey King heard this, he was filled with joy and said, I will leave you tomorrow to go down the mountain and travel to the ends of the earth. Be sure to visit these three places and learn from an immortal, who often avoids Yan Jun's difficulties. ? Hey! This sentence, Dunjiao jumped out of the reincarnation network, resulting in the success of Qi Tian Da Sheng. All the monkeys applauded and said,? Good, good! I'll climb the mountains tomorrow, find some fruits extensively, and give a big banquet to the king. ?
The next day, all the monkeys went to pick peaches, pick different fruits, plane yam, bake Polygonatum, fragrant flowers of Zhilan, and exotic flowers of Yao grass, all in order, and laid out stone benches and tables to arrange fairy Brewmaster dishes. But see there?
the golden pill is full of red and yellow fat. Golden marbles play wax cherries, and the color is really sweet; Red, yellow, fat and ripe plums taste fruity and sour. Fresh longan, sweet flesh and thin skin; Fire lychee, nuclear vesicle red. Lin ling's green flowers are presented with branches, and loquat buds are with leaves. Rabbit head, pear, chicken heart and jujube can relieve thirst and trouble. Sweet peaches and rotten apricots are as sweet as nectar; Crispy plum and bayberry, sour shade is like butter cream cheese. Red-sac and black-spot ripe watermelon, four-petal large persimmon with yellow skin. Pomegranate is cracked, and cinnabar grains are now crystal beads; The taro chestnut is cut open, and the hard meat is golden agate. Walnut and ginkgo can pass tea, and coconut grapes can make wine. Hazelnut pine is full of dishes, and orange cane and orange are full of cases. Cooked yam, rotten boiled Polygonatum Mash poria cocos and coix seed, and simmer in a stone pot. Even if there is a sense of shame in the world, how can it be better than mountain monkey music!
A group of monkeys sat on the seat of the Monkey King, each in the lower row according to his teeth and shoulders, and one by one took turns to offer wine, flowers and fruits, and drank heavily all day. The next day, Monkey King got up early and taught: Little friends, break some dead pine for me, weave it into a raft, take a bamboo pole as a pole, pick up some fruits and so on, and I will go there. ? If you board the raft alone, try your best to spread it, float and drift, and take advantage of the wind to cross the boundary of Nanbu Island. This trip, that's it?
Fairy monkeys are born in the sky, and they walk on rafts away from the mountains to take advantage of the wind. Travel across the ocean to find the immortal way, determined to make great achievements with great concentration.
I have a desire to break the customs, and I will go to Yuan Long carefree. It is expected that you will meet a bosom friend, and you will be able to tell the truth.
It was also the time when he arrived. Since he boarded the raft, the southeast wind has been tight for several days, and before he was sent to the northwest coast, it was the boundary of Nanshan Island. Holding a pole to test the water, I occasionally got shallow water, abandoned the raft and jumped ashore. I saw people fishing, catching geese, laying clams and panning for salt at the seaside. Before he came near, he played a trick and made up a tiger, scaring those people into throwing baskets and nets and running around. Seize the one who can't run, strip him of his clothes, put them on his body, stagger through the state and the government, and learn manners and words in the city. Eat at night, visit the sacred way of Buddha and immortal, and find a way to live forever. Seeing that the world is all for profit, and no one is for life, is that it?
when will the fight for fame and profit stop? It is not free to get up early and go to bed late. Riding a donkey and mule thinking of a fine horse, the prime minister of the official residence looks at the princes.
I only worry about food, clothing and hard work, so why don't I take the hook if I'm afraid of Yan Jun. Stepsons and grandchildren are rich, and no one is willing to turn back.
The Monkey King visited Xiandao, but he didn't get a chance to meet him. He lived in Nanbu Island, strung the Great Wall and visited small counties. He didn't think it was more than eight or nine years. Suddenly, he went to the western sea, thinking that there must be immortals overseas, making a raft alone and drifting across the West Sea until the boundary of Xi Niu He Zhou. After a long visit to the shore, I suddenly saw a beautiful mountain with a deep forest foot. He is not afraid of wolves, insects, tigers and leopards, and watches from the top of the mountain. Is it a good mountain?
Thousands of peaks and halberds, Wan Ren opens the screen. The sun reflects the blue light and locks the green, and the rain receives the dark blue color. Dead vines cling to old trees, and the ancient crossing world is secluded. Strange flowers and grass, bamboo and Qiao Song. Xiuzhu Qiao Song, evergreen deceives the blessed land for thousands of years; Strange flowers and grass, don't thank Sai Pengying at four o'clock. The birds are singing near, and the source is ringing. There are many valleys and gardens around, and there are mosses everywhere. The ups and downs of Long Mai are good, and there must be a master who hides his name.
While I was watching, I suddenly heard someone talking in the deep part of the forest. I hurried into the forest and listened. It turned out to be the voice of singing. The song said:
Watching chess is rotten, logging is tinkling, and the valley mouth is creeping along the cloud. Sell wine for salary, laugh hysterically. The pale path is high in autumn, and the roots of the moon pillow are loose, and it is morning. Recognize the old forest, climb the cliff and cross the ridge, and break the dead vine with an axe. Collect it into a load, and in the market, it will cost three liters per meter.