Looking for some nice and domineering e-sports team names and player names!!

1. Team name: " --丨Blood丨

Meaning: an exciting team! Describes the passionate emotions of the team members...

Team name: " --丨Xxx丨 (any three letters, the first letter is capitalized, the last two are lowercase...)

2. Team name: -the丶start

Meaning: Mission It has just begun, and the team members are all ready to face the challenge!

Player name: 6x/y丶N-vX. Team name: -/1s, Crown

Meaning: I wish my team can win the final championship!

Team name: -/1s, Kou Kou (you can use the name of the team member on YY, for example: -/1s, nostalgic)

4. Team name: _The丶sky

Meaning: I wish my team can fight for their own sky!

Team name: Xxxx, A1 (4 letters, the first one is uppercase, the rest are lowercase, the letters and numbers after the comma can be the same, or you can choose them casually, for example: Lopa, Q7)

5. Team name: "lt;, Smile丶end

Meaning: In competitive competitions, your team can have the last laugh!

Team name: "lt; , Old)

Because I answered with a mobile phone... I can’t write more, and the mobile phone can’t use some special characters like a computer, so I can only write with some punctuation marks. These five team names are all It’s my own idea. It’s all done by hand. It’s very hard to type so many words on a mobile phone! Please adopt it!