Basic concepts
1. Keywords and reserved words
Keywords: They are names with special meanings that have been predefined in the Java language.
Reserved words: currently not used in the Java language (no special meaning yet), but Java may use it later
2. Identifiers
Identifiers role?
Rules for naming variables, constants, classes, packages, and methods.
Rules for identifiers:
It consists of numbers, letters, underscores and $, but it cannot start with a number.
Identifiers cannot be keywords or reserved words.
Identifiers have no limit on length.
Supplement: Because Java uses Unicode encoding, the identifier can also be in Chinese, but it is not recommended.
Naming convention
Class name: big camel case. The first letter of each word is capitalized. For example: VariableDemo
Variable names and method names: small camel case. The first word is lowercase and the remaining words are uppercase. For example: userName
Constant name: all words are in capital letters, and multiple words are connected with underscores. For example: MAX_VALUE
Package name: all words are lowercase.
3. Variables
The essence of variables: Variables open up a memory space (container) in the memory and are used to store data.
The essence of variable declaration: allocate a memory space of a specified size in the memory to prepare to store data of a specified type. (Data type variable name;)
The essence of variable assignment: find the storage space in the memory through the variable name, and then store the data on the right side of the equal sign in the middle of the memory. (Variable name = data;)
"=", assignment operator, assigns the data on the right side of the equal sign to the variable on the left side of the equal sign
The assigned data type must be the same as the declared variable The data types remain consistent.
The data type of the assignment must be consistent with the data type of the declared variable.
Only declaring unassigned local variables cannot be used directly because there is no initial value.
In the same scope, variables with the same name cannot be declared.
The naming of variable names must comply with the "identifier" rules, and also must comply with the "little camel case" naming convention
Undeclared variables cannot be used directly, because what is the "variable"? None.
4. Constants
Comparison of constants and variables
Constant: can only be assigned once.
Variable: The assignment operation can be repeated multiple times.
Fixed value constants
Integer constants: 10, 20, ....
Decimal constants: 123.45, 3.1415926, ...
Character constants: 'a', '1', 'I', ... (a character wrapped in single quotes, we call it a character constant)
Boolean constants: true and false
String constants: "hello world", "", "sxt", ... (content wrapped in double quotes are all string constants)
Reference data type constants :null
Constant modified with final keyword
Constant declaration syntax: final data type constant name;
Naming convention of constant name: all words are in uppercase letters, Multiple words are connected with underscores.
Naming rules for constant names: The naming rules for "identifiers" must be followed.
5. Common escape characters
\t, tab character, similar to pressing the tab key
\n, newline character, similar to pressing the tab key Press the enter key
\", when displaying, only the output is displayed"
\', when displaying, only the output is displayed'
\\, display When, only the output is displayed\