Learn about the core concepts of kubernetes in ten minutes.

Let's briefly introduce the core concepts of kubernetes. Because these definitions can be found in the official documents of kubernetes, Chinese document addresses will be avoided in the following. On the contrary, we will use some charts and examples to explain these concepts. With them, we can fully understand some obscure concepts.

Kubernetes (k8s) is an open source platform for automated container operations, including deployment, scheduling and node cluster expansion. If you have used docker container technology to deploy containers, you can think of docker as an underlying component used internally by kubernetes. Kubernetes supports not only docker but also rocker (another container technology).

Using kubernetes has the following characteristics:

In fact, kubernetes can deploy a complete multi-tier container cluster (front-end and back-end) in a life cycle with only one deployment file.

A cluster is a set of segments. These nodes can be physical servers or virtual machines with kubernetes platform installed. The following figure shows such a cluster. Note that the overview is simplified to emphasize the core concepts.

You can see the following components in the above figure, using special icons to represent services and labels:

Pods (the green box above) are arranged on nodes and include a set of containers and volumes. Containers in the same Pod share a namespace and can communicate with each other using localhost. Pod is a transient entity, not a persistent entity. You can ask the following questions:

As shown above, some pods have labels. Tags are key-value pairs from attach to Pod, which are used to pass user-defined attributes. For example, you can create a "tier" and "app" tag, and tag the front-end Pod container (tier=frontend, app=myapp) and the back-end container (tier=backend, app=myapp). Then, you can use the selector to select a Pod with a specific label and apply a service or replication controller to it.

Do you want to create Pod manually? If you want to create multiple copies of the same container, do you need to create them one by one? Can you divide the pods into logical groups?

The replication controller ensures that a specified number of Pod copies are running at any time. If a replication controller is created for a Pod and three copies are made, it will create three copies and continuously monitor them. If the Pod does not respond, the replication controller will replace it.

If the previously unresponsive Pod is restored, there are now four PODs, and the replication controller will terminate one of them and keep the total number at 3. If the total number of replicas changes to 5 during the operation, the replication controller will immediately start two new PODs, ensuring a total of 5. You can also shrink Pod in this way, which is very useful when performing a rolling upgrade.

When you create a replication controller, you need to do two things:

Now that you have created copies of Pod, how to balance the load on these copies? What we need is service.

If the pod is short-lived, the IP address may change when it is restarted. How can I correctly and reliably point from the front-end container to the back-end container?

A service is an abstraction layer that defines some column panes and policies for accessing them. The service finds the Pod group through the tag. Because services are abstract, they are usually invisible in the diagram, which makes the concept more difficult to understand.

Now, suppose there are two background PODs, and the background service is defined as' ‘back end-Service' and the tag selector is defined as (tier=backend, app=myapp). The back-end service does two important things:

The following animation shows the function of the service. Please note that the diagram has been simplified a lot. If you don't enter the network configuration, the underlying network and routing involved in achieving the transparent load balancing goal are relatively advanced.

There is a special type of Kubernetes service called "Load Blancher", which is used as an external load balancer to temporarily negatively balance a certain number of PODs.

Nodes (orange box above) are physical machines or virtual machines. As a staff member of kubernetes, it is usually called Minion. Each node runs the following key components of Kubernetes:

The cluster has a Kubernetes master (purple box). Kubernetes Master provides a unique cluster perspective and has a series of components, such as Kubernetes API services. The API server provides REST endpoints that can be used to interact with the cluster. The master node includes a replication controller for creating and replicating PODs.

Ten minutes will take you through the core concepts of Kubernetes.

Next, I will continue to understand the concept of attribution and sum, and finally try to use it.