Misfortune must bring good fortune, but it comes from the word "Joe." Afterwards, Zhiyanzhai criticized with grief: "It's great to have this word." How could the commentator not be sad? On the day the
Misfortune must bring good fortune, but it comes from the word "Joe." Afterwards, Zhiyanzhai criticized with grief: "It's great to have this word." How could the commentator not be sad? On the day they met in the prison temple, people knew that "when times are difficult, they turn into good luck." This line stretches for thousands of miles. How sad! Since then, this text has been unbearable to read. "Grandma Liu seemed to be a prophetic oracle, and it came true. Later, the Jia family was defeated. She was sold into a brothel by her uncle and brother. In the end, the strong Phoenix Pepper could not protect her only flesh and blood. Fortunately, Many years ago, a poor old woman came to her house to beg for food. Maybe she was in a good mood that day and was kind to the poor woman. That is to say, her rare kindness saved her daughter. Jie's song is called Liu Yuqing: Liu Yuqing, Liu Yuqing, suddenly met a benefactor, lucky mother, lucky mother, and accumulated Yin Gong. Mom's love is really great, even if it is as strong as Sister Feng, she puts her only good idea. It was left to her daughter. She still saved her daughter. Even if she was buried in the snow by a leader, her daughter could not be bullied. In the wild, it is enough to resist the outside world. Will that stupid boy know how to cherish and cherish jade like Baoyu? But what can I do now