In ancient China, there were clergy in charge of funeral affairs at the latest in the Yin Dynasty. These people were early Confucians, or warlocks. They are proficient in local funeral etiquette and customs, and after a long time, they have formed a relatively independent profession. However, due to low professional status, low income, neither fixed property nor income, we should look up to others when doing things. Therefore, forming a relatively weak character is the original intention of Confucianism, that is, softness, and also the original nature of their profession, that is, warlocks.
The earliest record of the word "Confucianism" should be in the Analects of Confucius Yongye. Confucius warned his favorite student, Xia Zi, that if you want to be a gentleman, you should be a Confucian, not a villain. It can be seen that the origin of Confucian names should be before Confucius. Because by the time of Confucius, the class of Confucianism had undergone great changes, forming two schools: "gentleman Confucianism" and "villain Confucianism".
As a school of thought, Confucianism was founded by Confucius at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, but it originated very early. Both Hanshu Yiwenzhi and Liuxiang Qilue hold that Confucianism is "the official of Stuart". Taishigong's "Scholars" said: "The warlock of the pit in the season of Qin Dynasty", and the world called it the need of the pit. ..... The class name is Confucianism, and Confucianism knows the number of books. ..... The private name of Confucianism; "Seven Views" said: "The Confucian came out of the official position of Situ, helped you realize the enlightenment of Yin and Yang, and wandered among the Six Classics. Pay attention to benevolence and righteousness, the ancestors said Yao and Shun, the charter was civil and military, and the master Zhong Ni emphasized his words and the Tao was the highest. "
Accordingly, "Confucianism" is actually related to the witchcraft activities of people and gods in early people's society.