The names of people in Xinjiang are: given name first and surname last.
If a Xinjiang person is called Kurban-Reheman, Kurban is his first name and Reheman is his surname, and it is also his father’s first name, so Xinjiang people’s families do not have a fixed surname. .
It is composed of the real name plus the father’s name. There is no surname, and the surname of the Han nationality cannot be used to apply to the Uyghur nationality. When people reach middle age, especially old age, in addition to their real name and patronymic, they often add some titles to express their status and position.
Extended information:
Name method
1. Named after the name of the clan or tribe: such as "Uygur...'Sha Yiran", "Uyigul..." Gur" is the name of the Uyghur tribe.
2. Named after place names: such as "Guli Reguli" (Ili's flower).
3. Named after animals: For example, girls have "Toy Khan", which means "peacock"; men have "Xiri Ahong" (lion). Named after the twelve zodiac signs. Those born in the Year of the Tiger are called "Yaoliwasi" (tiger), and those born in the Year of the Sheep are called "Kouzibayi".
4. Named after good wishes and their adjectives: such as "Gu Zaili" (beautiful, good-looking), "Guli Bostan" (flower bed), "Gulishati" (flowers in full bloom), etc. .