Name the puppy, red poodle, male dog. Please give me a name that is domineering and exuding. The best one is in English~

Antonia Antonia Latin, Greek praiseless, respected person Audrey Audrey French noble show Belle Bella French beautiful; God's oath; smart and noble Caroline Caroline Teutonic Brave, vigorous and strong Constance Constance Latin steadfast and faithful person Dorothy Dorothy The gift of the Greek god Erica Erica Teutonic Powerful; imperial; ruler Jamie Jamie Latin replacement Michaelia Michelle Yaxi Miranda Miranda Latin person who admires or respects Sandy Sandy Greek defender of mankind Tammy Greek sun god Tiffany Tiffany French tulle; divine Ursula Er Shula Latin brown hair, fearless Valentina Valentina Latin is a healthy person, a strong person Valerie Valerie Latin is a strong person; a brave person. Just give a few examples for you to choose.