Tips for daily maintenance of credit cards 1. How to take care of credit cards? Organize regularly and put cards from the same bank together for easy access when using them. You can take the time to
Tips for daily maintenance of credit cards 1. How to take care of credit cards? Organize regularly and put cards from the same bank together for easy access when using them. You can take the time to give each card a nickname, for example: a certain card is specially used for out-of-town shopping and is named "Consumption Card" , a certain card used for temporary withdrawals and transfers is named "emergency card", etc., depending on personal mood. Please do not put all your credit cards and ID documents in one wallet every time you go out. Do not leave your wallet with credit cards in your coat pocket, or leave it in your car or locker. Instead, keep it with you for daily needs. Credit cards that are not commonly used should be kept at home or in other safe places, in locked drawers or cabinets, and must not be thrown away casually to avoid causing others to become greedy and steal them later. You are also responsible for this. Failure to fulfill custodial responsibilities will result in the loss of funds. To prevent your credit card from being used by others if it is lost, it is recommended that you store your credit card, personal password and identity document separately. Remember not to tell others your credit card number and expiration date to avoid being used by people with ulterior motives. Do not lend your card to others, otherwise it is easy for the bank to deduct the card, stop payment, lose funds, etc., or even cause debt disputes. Please also remember to copy the card number and the card-issuing bank's service hotline number separately and keep them properly so that you can contact the card-issuing bank as soon as possible in case of an accident and avoid losses. 2. How to protect the magnetic stripe of a credit card? Since the magnetic stripe is the main medium for recording bank card information, try not to put the card together with magnetic objects such as mobile phones and power supplies. Place each card separately to avoid being degaussed. The magnetic strip is relatively fragile, so do not put sharp objects such as bank cards and keys together to avoid scratching the magnetic strip. Don't put your credit card in your pants pocket to avoid bending the card and deforming the card surface.