Qingdao Xinhai Fishery Co., Ltd. is another limited liability company registered on 2000-08-31. Its registered address is located at Dongying Fishing Port, Yinghai Town, Jiaozhou City, Qingdao City.
The unified social credit code/registration number of Qingdao Xinhai Fishery Co., Ltd. is 91370281724017297A. The corporate legal person Yang Mingqiang is currently in business.
The business scope of Qingdao Xinhai Fishery Co., Ltd. is: shrimp, crab, mollusk seed production, seafood freezing and refrigeration (only Freon refrigeration), primary processing (only screening and sorting) Picking and packaging); marine aquaculture, miscellaneous fish and shrimp fishing, fishing boat repair, and net and cage processing and manufacturing. (Projects that require approval according to law can only carry out business activities after approval from relevant departments).
Qingdao Xinhai Fishery Co., Ltd. has invested in 3 companies and has 0 branches.
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