The surname is Wang, the word generation is "乐", and it is a girl's name with wood or fire.

Bo Yi: Bo Tong Yi Wen. Suitable for boys and girls to choose names. From "The Family Sayings of Confucius? Disciples' Practice": "Being eager to learn and be knowledgeable, saving things and being diligent is the way to seek."

Names as written symbols cannot determine what some fortune tellers say. It embodies the spirit of history and culture, embodies the information of the times and society, inherits the imprint of family lineage, embodies parents’ deep love and ardent expectations for their children, and implies different ideals, aspirations and tastes. , hobbies and goal pursuits, which have a great and subtle influence on life.

For example, Yanli and Yuyan have similar meanings and both describe beautiful women. However, they give people completely different feelings. The former is explicit and tacky, while the latter is subtle, provoking, and full of poetic beauty. It reminds people of the moving scene of a lovely woman with bright eyes, a clever smile, and beautiful eyes. Different names often give people different feelings, and a name with unique charm is helpful to get the first impression and stand out.