Is there a time limit for renaming cards in lol mobile games?

There is no time limit for the name change card in lol mobile games. That is to say, after obtaining the name change card, friends can use it in the backpack and change their nickname again, but it cannot be repeated with the existing ID.

There are some restrictions on naming the League of Legends mobile game. The first is the limitation on the number of characters. We can use English, some symbols, Chinese characters and numbers, but we can only enter up to 16 characters. That is to say, if it is pure Chinese characters, it cannot exceed eight Chinese characters.

Notes for League of Legends mobile game players.

Players should pay attention when playing the League of Legends mobile game. Before entering the game, players will rank five positions in order from most to least favorite, including solo line, jungle, mid lane, Double line and support. The matching system will then assign you the location you want first. Although the system may still be assigned to a non-preferred route due to factors such as the popularity of the route, the number of people in the pre-organized team, and the pursuit of fair matching, players already have more control over the route selection.