The baby was born on 20 12 at 22: 20 on April 27th. The girl's surname is Zhou. Please name her according to the five elements.

Date of birth: Gregorian calendar 2065438+April 27th, 2002 at 22: 20.

Lunar time: April 7th, 20 12, Shihai.

Date of birth: the first day of Renchen, Wuwu, and the fifth day of Guihai.

Five elements: water, earth, wood, earth, fire, water and water.

The core relic of life is native land, but LMNT is weak in the eight characters, which like fire, earth and gold.

Recommended names: Zhou Yinling, Zhou Yitong (Golden Earth Fire), the five elements are complementary and the eight characters complement each other.

Sancai 975 (Daji)

Five grids Tian Ge 9 (fierce) personality 17 (dajie) terrace 16 (dajie) outer grid 8 (auspicious) total grid 24 (dajie)