What kind of dog is this? How much is it worth? Don't answer if you don't know. Beg on your knees.

800-5500 yuan

The Scottish Shepherd is also known as the Collie. Born in the UK, it was originally a lower-class dog. It was not until 1860 that it became famous due to Queen Victoria's praise. It was first exhibited in Birmingham in 1880. Later, it was crossed with a Russian Shepherd to make it noble and melancholy, and a very successful movie gave it a real revival. There are two types of this dog: coarse-haired and short-haired. The coarse-haired type has long and dense hair on the whole body except the head and legs, with manes. The neck, tail and limbs are richly hairy, and there is undercoat. The rich coat makes it appear larger than reality. The coat color is light yellowish brown, three colors (white, black, light yellowish brown), with a mixture of black, gray and blue, and a white neck. The Scottish Shepherds with relatively good domestic pedigrees, such as Ruye and Carrier bred by the Qiantong Famous Dog Club, are both of the top domestic pedigrees and have achieved excellent results in the Westminster Dog Show in the United States many times.

The dog is a typical wolf dog type, with a wedge-shaped head, smooth and clean outline, smooth and rounded muzzle, strong jaw, scissor bite, black nose tip, small, almond-shaped eyes, Dark brown; flat skull, arched eyebrows; small ears, sometimes drooping forward, 2/3 upright, and the ear tips naturally tilt forward. The neck is long, upright, solid and clean, the back of the neck is slightly arched and heavily feathered, the chest is as deep as the elbow, the ribs are deep, the back is strong, the waist is slightly arched, the hindquarters are not curved much, the abdomen is slightly turned up, and the tail is long and Drooping, slightly bent when at rest, with the tail raised and swinging when in motion, but not raised to the back. The limbs are straight, the feet are oval, the steps are graceful, slightly jumping, and the running stride is long. Male dogs weigh 27 to 34 kilograms and have a shoulder height of 61 to 66 centimeters; female dogs weigh 22.7 to 27 kilograms and have a shoulder height of 56 to 61 centimeters. The dog is strong, responsive, aristocratic, smart, loyal but not aggressive. It has a very developed sense of protecting its owner and children, but it is also stubborn and lazy and must be carefully trained. This dog has been an excellent shepherd dog for hundreds of years and is still used as a shepherd dog, guard dog, rescue dog, guide dog and companion dog.

2 Attribute Edit

Scottish Sheepdog (24 photos)

The Scottish Sheepdog is a strong, strong, active and lively breed, which means it There is no worthless place. When standing naturally, it is neat and stable. The deep, moderately wide chest indicates strength, the sloping shoulders and moderately curved hocks indicate speed and grace, and the face indicates a very high intelligence. The Scottish Sheepdog is an impressive dog, the embodiment of self-confidence and true harmony, with each part in perfect, harmonious proportion to other parts and the whole. In addition to the technical details described in this standard, breeders and judges can also judge the quality of Scottish Shepherds outside the standard. In fact, this is very simple, as long as no one part is disproportionately coordinated with other parts. Right. Good temperament, easy to get close to, outdoors or full of energy. It is affectionate towards its owner and wary of strangers. This dog is very sociable and does not show weakness or aggression at all. Collies have expressive ears. The ears are straight when resting and tilted forward into a semi-erect position when alert. It has sensitive hearing and can hear sounds half a kilometer away. Very loyal to his master.

3 Origin Introduction Editor

The exact genetics of the Collie (Scottish Shepherd Dog is called Collie abroad) have been lost and hidden, so for centuries controversial. MARGARET OSBORNE mentioned in her book that the popular Collie appeared in 1957, but no one knows the definite answer to which dog breeds the Collie was born from. Collies were initially selected based on their instincts and leadership abilities. Later, people may have taught Collies some useful movements and methods for shepherding.

As a result, the Scottish Highland sheepdog

The handsome sheepdog

The dog looked more or less ugly at first. Gradually, the Collie became popular in Scotland and It evolved in the hilly areas of northern Britain. At that time, this kind of dog was called "COL", "COLLEY", "COALY", and "COLLIE", with different spelling methods in different eras. The origin of these names is mysterious and disputed.

The most popular one at that time was "COL", which means black and hairy in Anglo-Saxon. It was an uncertain name until blackface sheep were bred and became popular in Scotland.

Unfortunately, the Collie was produced by people randomly crossing different blood lines. During this period, Irish Setters were used to try to breed enough black genes, Gordon Setters were used to try to breed enough tan genes, and Russian Wolfhounds were used to try to breed to increase head proportions. The end result was that the cross-breeding with the Irish Setter was successful, but the early breeding standard of "Setter Red was a disqualification" was quickly eliminated by breeders because they knew that this color Genes are inevitable. Russian Wolfhound genes also showed up, but unfortunately in the form of a shrunken skull and Roman nose.

Fortunately these foreign bloodlines in Collie breeding were slowly diluted over the centuries. But due to breeding techniques, their bad genes are still maintained.

The Collie’s popularity began with Queen Victoria’s love for this dog. This is roughly Belomont in 1860, when she brought a collie back to Windsor. The name "COLLIE" only started in the Queen's kennel. The Collie suddenly became popular among the aristocratic dog clan. Owning a Collie became fashionable at the time, and it was also very important for the future of Collie breeding. Enthusiastic breeders gathered together to discuss improving the Collie's structure. The history of the Collie SHOW is a bit confusing and I can’t give a brief introduction here.

4 Historical data editing

Scottish Sheepdog Huihui

The Scottish Sheepdog originated in the lowlands of Scotland, and its name comes from the local black sheep called Collie. Like many other dog breeds, it was favored by Queen Victoria. In 1860, when the Queen visited Scotland in person, she brought several birds back to Windsor Castle to raise. As a result, it gradually became a widely acclaimed sheepdog in the UK. In the late 1990s, it was also favored by Americans. In 1940, the collie became famous in the starring role of Lassie (the movie adaptation of the classic novel "Lacie"). For centuries, almost no one outside of Scotland knew the sheepdog. And now it is one of the most popular varieties in the world. This dog has always been an enthusiastic guard dog for cattle and sheep. It is a serious, intelligent and intelligent working dog breed.

It has been a hit in TV series. Children in the United States consider this dog to be the most charming hunting dog. In 1860, this dog had attracted the attention of Queen Victoria. In 1872, a beautiful dog with black and gray color was born, and its reputation rose. There were two variants, one was a long-haired dog with plump fur, and the other was a short-haired dog. Most people like the long-haired Sumeru.

5 Personality Editor

Su Mu is a star among dogs who is full of spirituality. He is not only smart and lively, but also absolutely loyal to his owner. He is very approachable to both adults and children, but he is very shy towards strangers. Will remain vigilant. It stole the show on the screen and is considered the most charming hunting dog by American children. Its alertness and docility also make it known as a star dog that can stay with people for life. Su Mu is very energetic, and regular exercise will be beneficial to their growth. They are active outdoors.

6 Body Structure Edit


The head

Scottish Sheepdog

is crucial part. The head should appear light in proportion to the overall structure and should never show any sign of heaviness. A heavy head cannot express necessary expressions such as cheerfulness, vigilance, and rationality. Regardless of whether the head is viewed from the front or the side, the biggest difference is that the inclined wedge shape can be clearly observed. The outline is clear, smooth, refined and well-proportioned. Viewed from the side, the head gradually tapers from the ears to the black nose, but the back of the head does not expand outwards (thick-skinned), and the muzzle does not suddenly narrow (like a truncated muzzle). Observe the outline of the head and the outline of the muzzle as two roughly parallel straight lines of roughly equal length, separated by a very slight but perceptible stop.

The midpoint of the two inner corners of the eyes (the midpoint of the stop) is exactly the midpoint of the entire head length.

The end of the muzzle is smooth and full, with a blunt shape but not a right angle. The chin is strong, well defined, and the depth (distance from brow bone to chin) is not exaggerated. The teeth are arranged neatly in a scissors bite. Both an overshot bite and an undershot bite are faults, with the latter being punished more severely. Brow bone protrusion (very slight). The skull is flat, neither receding laterally nor posteriorly, and the occipital bone is not very prominent. The correct hindskull must be formed by the length of the skull and muzzle. At the same time, the width of the hindskull should be less than the length. Therefore, the correct width will vary from individual to individual and must depend on the length and width of the muzzle. Since head features are so important, obvious head defects are severely penalized.


Since the head consists of a flat skull, arched eyebrows, a slight stop, and a rounded muzzle, the forehead must be well-defined, leaving room for the eye sockets It can only be tilted slightly so that you can have a better forward view. Eye color must match except for merle colored dogs. The eyes are almond-shaped, medium in size, neither too large nor prominent. The color of the eyes is dark black, and the dog's expression cannot be affected by yellow circles around the pupils or exposure of the nictitating membrane. The eyes are clear and cheerful, indicating intelligence and curiosity, especially when the ears are erect and alert. For merle dogs, dark brown eyes are preferred, but blue or gray in both eyes or a single eye is permitted. Large, round, protruding eyes will seriously affect the dog's sweet expression and are a fault. Eye defects are severely punished.


Scottish Sheepdog Kangkang

The size of the ears should be in correct proportion to the head. It is very important for the ears to be born with an accurate semi-erect posture. Rare. The ears are too large and usually cannot be lifted, and even if they can be lifted, their size is out of proportion to the head. When resting, the ears are folded forward in a semi-erect posture. When alert, the ears will stand upright on the head, keeping 3/4 of the ear upright and 1/4 of the ear tip folded forward. Dogs with prick ears or ears that are set too low to show a correct expression will be penalized for this.


Scottish Shepherd Ninco

The neck is stable, clean, muscular and heavily feathered. The length is appropriate, held vertically upward, with a slightly arched nape, showing pride, and the upright posture can better display the feathering.


The body is stable, solid, and muscular. Proportionally, the body length is slightly greater than the height. The ribs are well sprung, and behind the moderately sloping shoulder blades, the chest is deep, reaching to the elbows. The back is strong and level, supported by strong hips and thighs, with the hips sloping to form a nicely rounded arc. The loin is strong and well arched. Excessive fatness, lack of muscle, skin disease, and lack of undercoat due to poor health are all faults and should be punished appropriately.


The forelimbs are straight and muscular, with sufficient bone mass and coordinated with the whole body. It shouldn't look bulky. Forelimbs that are too close or too far apart are a fault. The forearms are moderately full and the pasterns are pliable but not weak. Hind legs less fleshy, thighs well muscled and very powerful, hocks and stifles moderately sloping. Straight legs or stifles are a fault. The feet are quite small and oval in shape. The pads are thick and tough, and the toes are well arched and close together. When the Collie is not in motion, it is allowed to pose him (in a natural standing posture, with both front and rear limbs an appropriate distance apart, and feet straight forward). But excessive "posing" is undesirable.


The Scottish Sheepdog

has a solid gait. When the dog trots at a slow speed and approaches the referee, it can be observed that the forelimbs are very straight and the landing point of the feet on the ground is very close. The elbows are not turned outward, there is no "cross*" step, there is no heaving, pacing, or rolling gait. When viewed from behind, the hind legs are straight and the feet are very close to the ground. At a moderate trot, the hind legs provide powerful driving force. Viewed from the side, the stride is long and the reach of the forelegs is very smooth and smooth, keeping the topline level and stable.

As the speed increases, the Collie's footprints tend to follow a single trajectory, that is, the forelimbs form a straight line starting from the shoulders and tilt toward the center line of the body; the hind limbs form a straight line starting from the hips and tilt toward the body. The centerline is tilted. As a shepherd dog, it is required to be able to change speed at will during its gait, and to have the ability to change direction of travel almost instantly.


The tail is of moderate length, extending to the hock or lower. The tail hangs downward when he is resting, but the tip of the tail twists upward or swirls characteristic of this breed. The tail is carried cheerfully when the dog is in motion or excited, but should not be carried higher than the level of the back.

Back Coat

Having well-fitting and correct texture of back hair is a great honor for a rough-coated Collie. The hair is very abundant except on the head and legs. The outer coat is straight and rough to the touch. If the outer coat is soft, open, or curly, it will be faulted regardless of the amount of hair. The undercoat is soft, thick, and close to the body so that the skin is difficult to see when the hair is separated. The mane and trimmings are richly coated. Facial hair is short and smooth. The hair on the forelimbs is short and smooth, with feathers on the back of the pasterns. The hair on the hind legs below the hock is short and smooth. During competition, all feathering below the hocks needs to be trimmed. The hair on the tail is extremely rich, and the hair on the buttocks is also long and thick. Coat texture, amount, and extent (how well the coat "fits") are all very important indicators.


There are four recognized colors, they are: yellow and white; tricolor; merle; white. There is no advantage or disadvantage among the four colors.

Scottish Sheepdogs of various colors (3 photos)

"Yellow-white" is mainly yellow (camel, with shades ranging from light gold to dark mahogany). With white markings. White markings mainly appear on the chest, neck, legs, feet, tail tip, etc. White veins may appear on the forehead and head (both or just one). "Tricolor" is mainly black, with white markings like yellow and white, and dark brown shadows on the head and legs. A "merle" is a mottled or marbled color, usually blue-gray and black as the predominant colors, with white markings like the yellow-white color, and often with the same tawny shade as the tricolor. "White" means mainly white, preferably with yellow, tricolor or merle markings.


The male is about 24 to 26 inches tall at the withers and weighs about 60 to 75 pounds. Females are about 22 to 24 inches tall at the withers and weigh about 50 to 65 pounds.


Expression is one of the most important indicators for evaluating Collies. Expressions are difficult to describe academically using abstract words. Unlike specific physical characteristics such as color, weight, height, etc., it is difficult to express them graphically. However, the proportion, position, size and shape of the head and muzzle, the color, position and size of the eyes, the direction of the ears, etc. can still be described. The emotions expressed by the expressions may be completely different from those of other breeds. Therefore, the expression of the Collie cannot be accurately judged yet, so it should be treated with caution.

Short-haired type

The judging criteria for short-haired Collies are exactly the same as those for rough-coated Collies, except for the evaluation requirements for coat. The coat of the short-hair type is short, hard, dense, flat against the body, and of good texture; the undercoat is very rich.

The ancestors of the Scottish Shepherd lived in the cold northern Scotland, where it was cold all year round, which gave their ancestors very thick and long hair. Compared with the Scottish Shepherds used for work at that time, the legs of the Scottish Shepherds we see are a little longer, mainly because people improved them to make them more beautiful. Later, the Scottish Sheepdog gradually became a companion dog and became very popular. Later, the Scottish Shepherd was favored by Queen Elizabeth, and attracted attention from all aspects, including Hollywood. You can see the Scottish Shepherd in any movie related to Scotland. In ancient times, the reason why the Scottish Sheepdog became a very popular herding dog was largely due to its excellent working ability.

This very beautiful dog has become an excellent companion dog. It is easy to tame, has a docile personality, is loyal and reliable, and has an outstanding ability to take care of children. Especially its elegant, gorgeous and dreamy appearance, as noble as a medieval knight. His temperament attracted many people.

There are two types of Scottish Shepherds: long-haired and short-haired, and more families keep long-haired Scottish Shepherds. The coat of the long-haired Scottish Sheepdog is long and soft. When it is 2 years old, the coat matures, is smooth, and once hangs down to the knees in a straight line. A good Scottish Shepherd should have a naturally straight, hard coat, without wavy or curly hair, that undulates with the wind when running.

The Scottish Sheepdog is a large dog that is very suitable for families. They are surprisingly optimistic and smart, with a very docile temperament. They are very approachable and affectionate to their owners, regardless of adults or children, and are wary of strangers. They are good at social interaction and usually do not show weakness or aggression at all. For families with children and the elderly at home, they can be excellent companion dogs with a little training. At any time, they will take on the responsibility of taking care of the elderly and children.

They are active outdoors and are large dogs that need time to exercise outdoors. Exercise will help them develop good bones and hair, and contact with people will help develop a more docile personality. . They are rarely aggressive (except maybe if you kill them). Therefore, it is also very suitable for single women and people who like outdoor sports. The tall body shape gives a sense of security and can be used as a guard and companion in games.

Although the long-haired Scottish Shepherd has extremely rich hair, it does not shed easily except during shedding time. There is no body odor either, although the long hair makes it difficult to take care of. But in fact, the Scottish Sheepdog naturally likes to be clean and beautiful, and is willing to cooperate with you in grooming and grooming. Even if you don't have time to comb his hair, he can maintain his noble and elegant temperament throughout his life. According to my own experience and the feeling of my friends, even if he steps in the mud, he will clean it up in less than an hour.

Edit 7 Purchasing Points

Purchasing Points: Male dogs born more than one year ago have two testicles; lack the unique character of the Scottish Shepherd; more than 5 missing teeth; Choose with caution if you have extreme malocclusion of the teeth, especially protruding jaw; single testicle; significant defects on the head; obvious curly coat; tail curled toward the back when walking; erect ears and lop ears less than 3/4 in length. [1]

1. Before purchasing a puppy, it is best for first-time owners to refer to the introduction materials of the Scottish Shepherd Dog to have a preliminary understanding of the dog’s appearance and internal characteristics, so that they can have their mind in mind when purchasing. There is a bottom.

2. The age of the puppies should not be too small or too old. The most suitable one is 2-3 months old, so that the puppies are easier to train.

3. To choose a healthy puppy with full energy, bright eyes, beautiful appearance and no disease. Never choose the smallest dog in the litter. This kind of dog will be difficult to grow up in the future due to congenital deficiencies. Maintain well.

4. Choose a dog whose body shape basically meets the characteristics of this breed. The specific requirements are as follows:

(1) The head is flat, the head is wedge-shaped, the snout is not pointed, and the nose is black. , incisors scissor bite.

(2) The ears are small and the eyes are small, both of which are dark chestnut brown.

(3) The chest is deep and the back is strong, with a lion-shaped back.

(4) The limbs are straight and strong, the feet are oval, and the hock joints are low.

(5) The base of the tail is low, with long hair like a flag. It usually hangs down but can rise when excited.

(6) It has a double-layered coat: the upper layer of hair is long and thick; the lower layer of hair is soft and fine, and the chest and neck are richly decorated.

(7) The coat color should be light yellow, black and white, blue gray and a mixture of black, gray and white.

(8) Good at running, light gait, flexible, agile and free.

5. When confirming the purchase, be sure to ask the seller for the pedigree certificate and relevant technical information of the dog breed, because these certificates and information have important reference value for future breeding management and participation in breeding. If you understand the paternal and maternal bloodlines of the purchase object, you can avoid inbreeding during breeding to avoid breeding inferior dogs.

In addition, vaccination certificates and transfer certificates signed by the buyer and seller should also be requested.


10 Dog Differences Editor

Does the British Su Mu have a saucer-shaped face?

Some people think that the British and American dogs have a dish-shaped face. One of the fundamental differences in head tying is:

Viewed from the side:

The upper line of the American skull is parallel to the upper line of the muzzle

The British style Then the two lines are not parallel, and the muzzle is turned upward, giving a saucer-shaped face~~

In fact, the British face is not a saucer-shaped face at all~ but is very close to the American face

The following Compare the standard requirements of the two departments

The original text of the British standard:

Viewed in profile, top of skull and top of muzzle lie in two parallel straight lines of equal length divided by a slight, but perceptible stop or break.


Viewed from the side, the upper line of the skull and the upper line of the muzzle are two parallel straight lines of equal length~~ The lines are separated by a slight visual segment~~

American standard original text:

In profile view the top of the backskull and the top of the muzzle lie in two approximately parallel, straight planes of equal length, divided by a very slight but perceptible stop or break.


Viewed from the side ~ the upper line of the skull and the muzzle The upper line is two large to parallel straight lines of equal length~~These two lines are separated by a very slight forehead segment that can be visually detected~~

So the upper line and muzzle of the British Su Mu skull The upper line of the forehead is the same as the American model, which is a parallel straight line of equal length, but the forehead section of the British model is more obvious.

11 Puppy Distinguishing Editor

Actually, this

requires a little experience to distinguish, let’s take a look at the essentials.

Scottish Sheepdog (6 photos)

1. Muzzle The muzzle of Shetland is relatively tapered and tapered. Su Mu is slightly rough and wedge-shaped.

2. Ears. Shetland’s ears are already semi-erected when they are puppies, while Su Mu’s ears are completely folded.

3. Forehead: Shetland has an obvious forehead, while Scotch’s forehead looks flatter.

4. Eyes The eyes of Shetland puppies are already almond-shaped, while Su Mu’s eyes are still almost triangular.

5. Food intake: Su Mu’s food intake is about three times that of Shetland.

6. Call Shetland’s call is smaller and more high-pitched, while Su Mu’s call is louder.

7. The skeleton of Shetland is slender, while that of Su Mu is thicker. This is an obvious difference.

8. Disqualification: If more than one-half of the Shetland's coat is white, it will be disqualified in the competition. However, in Scotland, if more than three-quarters of the coat is white, it will still be recognized. Of course, it’s a different matter if you just buy a purebred Shetland as a pet. The white one is also very beautiful.

Distinguishing Shetland and Sumu puppies is not a complicated matter, but some people on the market pass off the offspring of Shetland and Sumu as Shetland. Such puppies may have both of the above. Various situations, so it is generally difficult to distinguish. Faced with this situation, when we choose a dog, we must go to a reputable kennel or go through formal channels.

12 Beauty and Hygiene Editor

In order to keep the coat clean, comb its coat every day to remove the dirt and dust stuck to the coat. The tools for combing can be a wooden comb or a hair brush. After each combing, the coat should be wiped with satin or deerskin to make the coat smoother and shiny.

In spring and autumn, it should be bathed every 2 to 3 weeks; in hot summer, it should be bathed every 1 to 2 days. In cool weather, use a dry towel to wipe the hair immediately after taking a bath. If it is winter, use a hair dryer to dry the hair to prevent catching a cold.

Every 3 to 5 days, remove earwax, tartar, eye mucus and dirt between the toes. Also use 2% boric acid water to wash your eyes to prevent ophthalmia.

Paws should also be trimmed every few days.

13 How to Feed Editor

Puppy Food

(1) Food specifically for puppies: such as dog food and canned food.

(2) Calcium: Supplement calcium products with high natural content, such as super calcium, to promote bone and tooth development of puppies.

(3) Milk powder for puppies: There is special goat milk powder for puppies.

(4) Egg yolk: The advantage of egg yolk is that it is not only rich in protein, but also contains vitamin A, calcium and minerals that are easy to digest and absorb.

(5) Vitamins and minerals: For puppies with poor physical fitness, consider supplementing some additional vitamins and minerals. You can consider feeding 21 Gold Vitamin, and there is also puppy Gold Vitamin specially designed for pets.

(6) Meat: Although beef, pigs, chicken, etc. are excellent foods, when feeding puppies, you should choose fat-free parts because fat is easy to deteriorate. But feed cooked meat, not raw meat!

30-50 days after birth is the weaning period

Puppies begin to grow teeth after 3 weeks of birth. At this time, in addition to feeding it dog milk, it should also be fed with a little weaning food. The weaning period is the most critical period in a puppy’s growth, and malnutrition must be prevented. There are special weaning dog foods on the market. You can also add some boiled water or canine milk to puppy dog ??food to make softer dog food, which is both convenient and nutritious.

The number of feedings varies depending on the individual differences of the weaned puppies. Feeding 4 to 6 times a day is most appropriate. The particles of weaning food should be small so that they are easy to digest.

In addition, when buying a puppy from a pet store, it is best to ask a professional about the feeding frequency and food types suitable for the puppy.

By gradually increasing the amount of weaning food, puppies can be completely weaned about 50 days after birth.

1. Add enough warm water to the puppy dog ??food to soak the dry dog ??food until soft

2. Crush the dog food with a small spoon, and then add some dog food Powdered milk powder to supplement a large amount of calcium

3. Gently stir it into a paste, and delicious weaning dog food is made.

4 After 2 months of age, the puppy’s deciduous teeth are almost fully grown, and the puppy should be gradually fed dog food. Initially, add a small amount of puppy dog ??food to the weaning food and feed it 3 to 4 times a day. Then gradually increase the proportion of puppy dog ??food until finally all is replaced by puppy dog ??food. The frequency of feeding should also be gradually reduced, and after 6 months of age, it should be reduced to 2-3 times a day.

2 to 5 months after birth is the time to develop eating habits. If you feed too much human food, it will lose interest in dog food. If you plan to feed your dog mainly dog ??food, it is best not to feed it human food. If you feed it too much milk at one time, it may cause indigestion and diarrhea. Puppies with indigestion should be fed in small amounts in moderation. Dog milk powder with the same ingredients as dog milk can be fed to puppies in large quantities. Puppy dog ??food

Contains higher calories and more nutrients than adult dog food. It is in the form of small particles and is easier to eat.

Summer feeding

1. You must choose the right time and place for walking your dog

115 How to choose editors

In recent years, Scotland Shepherds are gradually coming into people’s sight. Many people don’t know what they need to pay attention to when selecting Scottish Shepherds. Let’s take a look at them below:

The first step is to touch:

1. Whether the body is relatively strong and not too weak;

2. There is no skin abnormality under the lanugo hair. Then call the Scottish Sheepdog or whistle to see if there is a reaction. If there is a reaction, it means that the dog is more sensitive and at least has no problem with its hearing. Then feed it a few things and see if it eats them all. Many dog ??dealers don't feed the dogs before selling them, so that when someone chooses them, they will take out the food and the dogs will be very active. Observe for a while, it is best to see the dog urinate and defecate, especially the stool should not be loose (except for those who are not weaned). The last step is to ask the owner whether he has had any injections, where he usually sleeps, what he eats, etc. Usually dog ??dealers will not give injections to dogs. Because the cost is too high. But dog dealers will say that they have been beaten, so don’t believe it.

These are limited to health aspects. As for the breed and bloodline, what you like is the most important. You can also choose according to the bloodline standards mentioned by other friends. Dog dealers are giving a Scottish Sheepdog a "grooming" before selling him despite his price and frail health in a bid to attract customers. Second observation:

1. Fur: The fetal hair on the puppy should be even and the color should be bright and distinct, proving that the dog is healthy;

2. Waist: Do not bow your waist; Dogs are very unhealthy, at least they have bugs;

3. Tail: Do not clip the tail. Even if you pick up the dog, the tail cannot be held;

4. The eyes, nose, mouth, ears, PP, etc. must be clean and free of dirt;

5. Tongue: The color should be bright, and there should be no residual saliva in the puppy's mouth;

6. There should be no bad signs in body shape and walking posture. The neck and limbs are straight. Whether the activity is sensitive and whether the spirit is listless.

This is the easiest way to buy a Scottish Shepherd dog. If you really decide to raise a Scottish Shepherd dog as a pet dog, then you should follow the above method to buy it. I hope you can choose a healthy Scottish Shepherd.

16 Breed Differences Editor

Many owners who like Scottish Shepherds think that the only intuitive difference between American and British Shepherds is that the standard body shape is different. The standard body shape of the British Shepherd Dog is , smaller than the American standard.

But in fact, the difference between the two is very big. It's far from what can be compared literally. The biggest difference is the front page. Although the front pages of both breeds require fullness, the British Scottish Shepherd is obviously more rounded and far less rugged than the American one.

Brow bone: Both require brow bone (STOP). The British brow bone is gentler. The American ones are more prominent and very obvious.

Ear position: The British system has a natural ear position. Separated on both sides of the skull. The fold is one third. The feathers basically cover the top of the head. The American ears are often adjusted to be located directly above the skull. Most of them are quarter-folded and the tips of the ears are curled. The hair on the ears is not as exaggerated as the British style.

Eyes: All are almond-shaped. But the British ones are more narrow and elongated, and the inner corners of the eyes are tilted at a larger angle. American eyes are almost triangular when viewed from the front.

Aesthetics: Americans pay more attention to the skeleton. Greyhounds' coats are generally trimmed close to the body. To highlight the strength of the skeleton. The focus of the British breed is on the gorgeous and noble coat. When pruning, focus on highlighting the elegant and rich feeling.


The elegant and noble temperament of the Scottish Shepherd Dog has attracted countless dog lovers. The head that is always raised proudly is its eternal symbol. Although they are proud, they do not lack a gentle side. The Scottish shepherd named Lacey in the movie is so gentle and sweet when facing his owner; yet he is so tough and strong when facing a dangerous road. As a result, it became a screen classic in everyone's heart. If you are a Scottish Sheepdog owner, you are in luck.

Because there will be such a dog that will accompany you for more than ten wonderful years. It will always look at you with warm eyes and stay with you with a lifetime of love and loyalty.

The book is divided into seven chapters. Chapter 1 is an overall introduction to dog breeds: Chapter 2 is preparation; Chapter 3 is feeding; Chapter 4 is home care; Chapter 5 is grooming; Chapter 6 is health. Medical Chapter; Chapter 7 Training Chapter. It guides you through the entire process of domesticating Scottish Shepherd dogs and what you need to pay attention to. It is an encyclopedia of Scottish Shepherd dogs.