What should be paid attention to when Yunnan industrial and commercial registration Company is named?

Mande Enterprise Service has sorted out the matters needing attention in company name before, but there are still many small partners who have many questions. Don't worry, the second copy of the company name notice you want is coming, so please accept it quickly!

First, the company name should be concise

Simplicity does not mean that the length of words is short. Concise names only repeat a few letters in the alphabet.

a concise name is easy to spread, concise and clear at a glance, which not only attracts customers, greatly improves the possibility of people passing the name from mouth to mouth, but also conveys a wide range of meanings to consumers, which is helpful to arouse brand association and communication desire.

second, it is better to rhyme or rhyme the company name, which is a way to make your brand unforgettable. Repetition of sounds is very beneficial to strengthen memory, such as Volvo, Coca-Cola and Rolls-Royce. These names are separated by vowels and consonants, and the syllables are looped back and forth, which have a poetic structure. They not only look beautiful, but also sound pleasant to the ear and read fluently. If their syllables are divided into four parts, that is, the structure of A-B-A-B, this structure is an ideal combination for words in all languages.

So, if you want people to remember something, let them rhyme. Western poets like alliteration, thinking that repeating a sound will have a beautiful effect and is easy to remember. Advertising language can certainly do the same.

Third, the company's name should be unique

Brand awareness has a great relationship with whether the name is unique or not. Ideas expressed in fresh ways tend to attract us to listen carefully. Completely created new words, such as Xerox, Kodak, Exxon, etc., are short, powerful, distinctive and easy for people to remember. The most common way is to use strange metaphors. This simple method can make you associate one image with another and increase your attention.

after reading the precautions for naming these companies, do you know what to pay attention to when naming them? If you still have doubts, you can ask Mande Enterprise Service for help ~