According to historical records, Qu Yuan's surname is Qu. When Qu Yuan grew up, his father took his name as the official name and his word as Ling Jun, and entrusted Qu Yuan's parents and his own ideals. Regularity means the law of justice, similar to Ping Zi in ancient times, which corresponds to his name, while average means balance and peace in spirit, and the reputation of spirit as God and goodness corresponds to his original meaning. Qu Yuan's father, like Qu Yuan, longs for a just and peaceful world and hopes that Qu Yuan can have a broad and open mind. In fact, Qu Yuan struggled to realize these ideals all his life. In his later most important poem Li Sao, Ling Jun also became the name of the hero.
Qu Yuan, surnamed Qu and Ming Ping, was born in Danyang, Chu at the end of the Warring States Period, and was a descendant of Qu Xian, the son of Xiong Tong. One of the greatest poets in China.