Recommend some commonly used ones:
Ada Ada in Hebrew, the person who brightens?
Aileen, Aileen in Greek, bright?
Alice Germanic: noble; kind?
Amanda Amanda Latin: lovely?
Amy Amy French: lovely person; beloved?
Angela Angela in Greek angelic; messenger?
Anne Anne in Hebrew elegant; God is merciful?
Barbara Barbara Greek foreign ; Stranger?
Betty Betty Hebrew God's oath?
Bonnie Bonnie Scottish beauty?
Charis Charis Greek dear ; Elegant?
Christina Christina Latin belongs to the savior?
Cindy Cindy Greek moon goddess?
Diana Diana Latin Goddess of the Moon and the Hunt
Emma Emma Germanic, omnipotent
Fiona Fiona Gaelic, beautiful?
Genevieve Jennifer Gurwells Blonde; Caucasian
Helen Helen Greek, Latin torch; bright
Janice Hebrew, French girl; God is merciful
Jodie Jodie Hebrew is very quiet; praise.
Karen Karen Greece purity.
Laura Laura Latin laurel; victory
Linda Linda Spanish beautiful person. ?
Lucy Lucy Latin brings light and wisdom.
Maggie Maggie Latin Pearl.
Monica Monica Latin Consultant.
Nicole, Nicole, Greek winner
Pearl, Latin, like a pearl.
Penny Penny Greece Silent Weaver.
Renee Renee France reborn.
Rose Rose Latin rose, in full bloom
Ruby Ruby French ruby.
Sandy Greece defender of mankind.
Sarah, Hebrew princess.
Sophia Sophia Greek wise person. ?
Susan Susan Hebrew a little lily.
Tina Tina Greece is a petite and exquisite person.