1. Buy a fund based on its name. Many investors will judge the fund style based on the fund name. In fact, the fund name is just a name. Fund companies take great pains when choosing names. Value, growth, selection, emerging, valuation, etc. are words that appear frequently. These names give investors some good hints. Many investors will judge the fund's holding style based on the name of the fund, such as whether it is large cap or small cap, growth or value. In fact, except for funds that passively track indexes, the names of actively managed funds reveal little information.
2. When buying a fund based on historical performance, the first thing many investors look at when buying a fund is the historical performance of the fund, such as the annualized income in the past three years and the income in the past three months. In fact, the fund's historical performance prediction ability is not that strong. It is true that the historical performance of a fund is an important reference, but the return rate of buying a fund based only on historical performance is very low.
3. The fund company has strong strength and long operating time. Before buying a fund, you must first check the strength of the company.
4. Only invest in index funds that strictly track the market. Buffett has recommended index funds to ordinary investors in public. The reason is that index funds are passive investments, transparent holdings, low fees, and long-term returns are no better than some actively managed funds with high fees. Difference. In fact, Buffett is talking about a very efficient and long-term slow bull market like the United States, while the Chinese market is completely different. The Nasdaq index has increased nearly 6 times since 2009. There are very few active funds that can beat this index in the long term. Index funds with low fees are of course the best choice.
5. Buy funds that suit you. When purchasing funds, you should choose open-end, closed-end, high-risk, low-risk, combination, stock, etc. according to your own situation.
6. Use funds to chase ups and downs. Many investors are also stock investors. When buying funds, they also like to speculate on topics and make swings. In fact, chasing the rise and killing the fall is a major reason why many people lose money. They dare not buy when it is low, and they rush into the market and place heavy bets during the bull market (such as 2015). It is even more undesirable for funds to chase hot spots. Many hot spots are short-term, and they are nothing in the past. Due to the subscription and redemption fees, funds cannot be used for frequent short-term operations. Only by entering the market when the index is relatively low, and then holding the bottom chips and holding excellent funds for a long time can you obtain ideal returns.
Warm reminder: The above content is for reference only. Investment is risky, so be careful when choosing. Ping An Bank sells a variety of fund products. The risks and investment directions of each fund are different. You can log in to Ping An Pocket. Bank APP-Finance-Wealth Management-Fund Channel to understand and purchase.
Response time: 2021-12-20. For the latest business changes, please refer to the official website of Ping An Bank.