What do おかず and レシヒ゛ mean? How to use them?

おかず: It means "dish" in cuisine. For example, the "おかず" for dinner is "tomato scrambled eggs", then this "tomato scrambled eggs" is "おかず"

It is not "レシヒ" but "レシピ", which is the amount of ingredients and the cooking method when cooking .

kcal: The kanji of きかい are "opportunity", "machine", "strange" and "instrument"

.........Nana: It is the same as "ない" usage. Linking is used after nouns.

......Hurras: Harras is "ten" positive. And MANASA is "-" negative.

ツナ: Tuna

It should be "おつまみ": it is a side dish when drinking.

あんず: apricots

かぶ: round radish, manjing.

しらたき: It has two meanings.

1 Shirataki. It means waterfall.

2 Japanese-style vermicelli. It is put in when making "すきやき". . .