What are the meaningful English names of WeChat IDs?

(01), spirit?elf

(02), dee?plove deep love

(03), lifelong?love for life

(04), ama?do love

(05), fair?y fairy

(06), perp?lexity heartstrings

(07 ), pamper? pampering

(08),? margin Yuan Nong

(09), who'?sheart whose heartbeat

(10), temperature?temperature

(11), evil?sin

(12), specialcare?special care

(13), cas?ual casual


(14), ?alreadychuqing

(15), afflict?torture

(16), per?petual forever

( 17), naive

(18), return

(19), limerance pure love

(20), irreplaceable none Replaceable

(21), cur?tain prosperity

(22), para?noid persistence

(23), discard? discard

(24), api?cal apex

(25), starshine?starlight


(27 ), ?pursuit pursuit

(28), onel?ife staying alone

(29), ?naive innocence

(30), ?lovelyday beautiful day

(31), goddess

(32), pure

(33), soulmate

(34), hermes?Brilliant

(35),?originally initially

(36), originally?initially

(37), engagement ?Promise

(38), ?littleromance

(39), ?estrus emotion

(40), des?tiny promise

(41), wayward?willfulness

(42), fre?edom freedom

(43), firstheart?original intention

(44), ?tenderness

(45), ?octobse small throbbing

(46), fare?well affectionate

(47), mat?ure mature< /p>

(48), throbbing

(49), gardenia

(50), emo?tional years

(51), luxury?luxury

(52), unrestrained and unrestrained

(53), smyslenny?well-behaved

(54), glor ?iousyears glorious years

(55), hushnow?quiet

(56), memorial commemoration

(57),monstar Jane Eyre

(58), ?ecstasy Yinni

(59), ?timeslover time lover