What daggers are there in CSGO? CSGO dagger inventory

There are 19 types of daggers in CSGO skins so far:

Bowie Knife has 19 different appearances without painting

Butterfly Knife has 19 unpainted appearances.

Karambit has 25 unpainted appearances.

The folding knife (Flip Knife) has 25 unpainted appearances.

The Huntsman Knife has 19 unpainted appearances.

The bayonet ( Bayonet) including unpainted ***25 appearances

M9 Bayonet (M9 Bayonet) including unpainted*** 25 appearances

Talon Knife included Unpainted ***19 appearances

Gut Knife? With and without paint***25 appearances

Shadow Daggers with and without Painting ***19 appearances

Falchion Knife including and without painting***19 appearances

Stiletto Knife including and without painting** *19 appearances

Ursus Knife with and without coating***19 appearances

Navaja Knife with and without coating***19 appearances

Seal Knife (Classic Knife) comes with unpainted ***13 appearances

Tethered Dagger (Paracord Knife) comes with unpainted ***13 appearances

Survival Knife includes ***13 appearances without painting

Nomad Knife includes ***13 appearances without painting

Skeleton Knife includes ***13 appearances without painting

Appearance wear and market price of all CSGO daggers