Dallas, located in Texas, USA, is the third largest city in Texas, the ninth largest city in the United States, and the capital of Dallas County, with an urban area of 385 square miles (997 square kilometers) and the seat of the University of Texas. According to the American census, by 20 10, the population of Dallas will be 1 1978 16. Dallas, Fort Worth and Arlington form the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) metropolis, covering 12 counties, with a total population of 6.87 million (data 20 10), of which blacks account for 25%, making it the fourth largest metropolis in the United States and the largest metropolis in the south. From 65438 to 0999, Dallas was listed as the third world-class city, that is, a small world-class city, by the research group and network of globalization and world-class cities of Loughborough University.