Warcraft pet problem~

Q: How do hunters catch pets, and what kind of pets can they catch? What kind of creatures cannot be tamed

Answer: At level 10, a hunter accepts a task from a hunter mentor. After completing it, you can learn pet taming skills.

The pets that hunters can catch are all beast types

Except for snakes (but flying snakes can be tamed), Kodo beasts and violent pigs

Q: Elite pets Is it better to catch it than the ordinary one? Can I capture mission pets?

Answer: In the current version, the attributes of elite pets are similar to those of ordinary pets. The same goes for mission pets, but mission pets and elite pets may have unique appearances.

Q: What is the use of baby satisfaction? How to improve it by several levels?

Answer: The baby's satisfaction is related to his attack and defense data. If the satisfaction is too low, the baby will run away. It is divided into three levels: 75%, 100% and 125%

Increasing satisfaction now basically relies on feeding food

Turtles eat fungi and fruits

Snake-like creatures eat fish (and sometimes cheese and bread)

Most giant reptiles eat meat

Birds love fruit, cheese and bread

Canids eat meat and some also eat cheese and bread(?)

Felines eat meat and fish

Marine crustaceans eat fish

Hyaenas eat meat and fruit

Arthropods (spiders, scorpions) Eating meat

Q: What control commands does the baby have?

Answer: The baby has a special control skill grid. The initial default is

CTRL+1 attack mode to attack the current target

CTRL+2 follow mode commands the pet to stop all actions and follow you

CTRL+3 still mode Command the pet to stop at the current location

CTRL+4 to CTRL+7 are the skill grids that can be learned

CTRL+8 In the aggressive mode, the pet will attack all enemies.

CTRL+9 Defense mode pet will start attacking when you attract hatred

CTRL+0 Passive mode pet will not attack before receiving the order

< p>Q: Will pets become smaller after being caught? How can they learn skills?

Answer: In the current version, babies will shrink when they are caught, and may grow as the level increases.

Catch a pet that knows skills and take him to kill monsters. When he uses the skill, you will learn the skill. Then click the train pet skill icon, and the pet skills you have learned currently will be listed, and you can teach them to other pets. There is a guy in the hunter mentor who can teach a skill, but there is only one

Q: What skills can pets learn now?

Answer: There are currently 4 skills that can be learned, taunt [Growl], claw attack [Claw], bite [Bite], and scare [Cower].

Q: How are pet skills classified?

Answer: Pet skills are learned from level 8 to level 2 and level 12. Level 3 of Level 16, and so on.

Q: What kind of pet is better?

Answer: After the current version of the beast is tamed by a hunter, the attributes of the same monster and the same level are basically the same. It's just that different beasts have different emphasis. Tigers have high attack and low defense, while crabs have high defense and bears have more blood. However, the various attributes combined should have their own merits ~ it is impossible to have any rubbish pets

Q: What is the use of pet loyalty? How to improve?

Answer: If the pet's loyalty is high, it can increase satisfaction with very little food. Currently, the highest level is level 6 ~ best friend. If it is improved, it will be automatically improved when the satisfaction level is high when taking the baby to level up.

Basically, babies brought from low level to high level are very loyal!

Q: What are the differences between the several types of pets? How to choose?

Answer: List several common babies

Tiger has high attack and fast speed ~ low defense and low health

Wolf has the highest attack and fast speed , low defense, least HP

Bear has high attack, medium speed, high defense, and lots of HP (the best PET in the early stage!)

Crab has medium attack, medium speed, high defense, and HP Medium

The turtle has low attack, slow speed, highest defense, and medium blood.

If you choose, all the babies are actually very similar in terms of combined abilities~ but most people choose the bear in the early stage. You can completely follow your own preferences in the later stage

Q: How to obtain pet food?

Answer: Different pets eat different foods. Meat and fish can be obtained from killing monsters in the wild. Bread and other items can be found in stores in cities. It is recommended to learn a fishing skill so that you can get food directly in the wild. Some babies and picky eaters can be very painful to feed, so it’s best to raise one that eats everything if you don’t mind the trouble!

Ask Where can I find pets with skills?

Answer: From the crossload to the west, the level 19-20 spiders will have level 3 bites, and from the crossload to the north, the level 21-22 black bears in the dark night forest will have level 3 claw attacks. There is a river on the way to crossload~ The crocodiles in the river have level 1 tearing skills, and the turtles in the lake at crossload have level 2 tearing skills (increasingly added)

Newly added North American official FAQ, added Several new FAQs.

How to know if a beast can be tamed

The following 17 types of beasts can be tamed. If you want to know if a beast falls into these 17 categories of tamable beasts. You can check it on Allakhazam's website. The address is /db/mobfamily.html If you have the skill of beast lore (beast lore), you can use this skill to see the recipe of the target beast. If you cannot see the recipe, it cannot be tamed. What you can see with the skill of beast lore The beast state and the tamed state are different.

At what level can you tame a beast?

You can tame a beast after completing the hunter's professional mission after level 10. You need to talk to the hunter trainer. When you talk to the hunter trainer he will give you a task and teach you how to tame the beast. You need to train three different special monsters in the area around you to complete this task. When you complete this task, you will get the three skills of taming beasts, summoning beasts, and dispelling beasts, and the beasts will be included in your skill book under the skills column. At this time, you receive another professional task. This task allows you to talk to the hunter trainer in the main city of your race. To complete this task, you will have three skills: pet feeding, pet recovery, and training skills. Skill training will appear under the general skill column in the skill book, and the remaining two tasks will still appear under the beast skill column in the skill book.

Why did I complete the task but I don’t have the skills?

If you complete all 4 tasks but your skills do not appear in your skill book, it is a bug. We cannot confirm the cause of this bug, but if it happens you have 2 options. You report it to the GM and wait for him to fix it or train a new hunter.

Are there differences between different types of beasts?

Almost all pets of the same level have the same status points but there are exceptions. The main differences are health, damage/DPS/attack speed, and armor/resistances. Many beasts have one high, one medium, and one low attribute, some have three or three attributes, and some beasts have resistance.

Are there differences between similar beasts?

Beasts of the same type may be different. The main difference between beasts of the same type is attack speed and resistance.

Cats, Wolves, Tall Striders and Scorpids have different attack speeds. If the attack speeds are different then the DPS will be different

Are there any differences between unique, elite and ordinary beasts after taming?

There is most likely no difference. I have looked closely at elite Deviated Wind Serpents, ordinary Thunderhawk Wind Serpents, and ordinary Cloud Wind Serpents. There is a difference. The attributes of other pets are the same.

Is there any difference between the pets you train yourself and the high-level pets you catch directly?

No. There is no difference in basic data between pets that you have trained yourself and high-level pets that you have directly captured.

Are beasts resistant?

So far the following pets are resistant: bears, wolves, Wind Serpents, crabs, turtles, and carrion birds. But not all pets of this type are resistant.

What is the use of a pet’s loyalty level?

Loyalty levels affect how much usage is required to keep your pet happy, with higher loyalty levels requiring less food. Loyalty also affects the training points of pets. Each time a pet upgrades to a loyalty level, the number of training points of the same level will also be increased. For example, if a level 20 pet upgrades to a pet loyalty level, it will receive 20 training points. A level 6 loyalty pet has skill points equal to 5 times its level minus the number of skill points used to learn the skill. In addition, I found that the higher the pet's loyalty level, the faster it will gain experience

How to increase the pet's loyalty level

You can feed your pet and keep it happy by increasing its loyalty level. . According to my experience, you don't need to do anything else. Sometimes when I make potions in the town, my pet's loyalty will increase, and sometimes when I fight, the pet's loyalty will also increase. Some pets gain loyalty much faster than others.

What impact does maintaining a happy state have on pets?

The happy state will affect the pet's DPS. The unhappy state can only output 75% of the damage. The satisfied state can output 100% of the damage. The happy state can output 125% of the damage. Keep feeding your pet to keep it happy. A happy state and a satisfied state can increase the pet's loyalty. An unhappy state will reduce the pet's loyalty. When it reaches a certain level, the pet will leave you forever

Pet upgrades are available What is it for?

Upgrading will increase your pet's attributes, such as health, DPS and armor. Each pet upgrade will increase the pet's loyalty minus one skill point. Pets must be upgraded to a certain level to learn high-level pet skills.

How to upgrade my pet?

I will take him to kill monsters that can give me experience. The monster's level is slightly higher or slightly lower than my level. Choose defense mode for your pet to protect yourself in battle. I use this method to level up my low level pets very safely. When I was level 20, I tamed a level 8 vampire bat. I took him to fight 18-21 monsters and upgraded him to level 13.

If I tame a new pet at level 60, will I gain experience and loyalty from it?

Yes, the new pet you tame when you reach level 60 can get experience by killing monsters that look green or higher with you. If you tame a new level 60 beast, its loyalty will increase as usual.

Do beasts have innate skills?

Some beasts have innate abilities when tamed. My theory is: the level of the pet must be the same as or higher than the level of the pet required for the skill to be able to have this skill. For example, Strigid Owls have a level 1 Claw, and they are level 5-6. Strigid Screechers have no innate skills, and their level is 7-8. Strigid Hunters have level 2 Claws, they are level 8-9. Level 2 claws cannot be trained until level 8. So when looking for a new skill, try to tame pets that are within the skill level requirements. There is also a very good list here on the Grim Intentions site.


How to know if a tamed pet has innate skills?

Open the pet status page. If their pet skill points are negative, it means they have them, or you can see whether they have skills from the pet skill book and pet skill column.

What skills do pets have? What skills do those pets have?

The skills of pets include Growl: Level 1 and 2 Growl will have it when they learn the skill "Pet Training". Levels 3 to 7 need to learn from other pets. Level 1 Growl can be learned when the pet is level 1. Afterwards, the pet can learn a new level of skill every time it increases by 10 levels (1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60). Level 1 Claw and Bite can be learned only when the pet is at level 1. In the future, the pet can only learn new level 1 skills, Claw and Bite, every 8 levels (1, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56). 1***Level 8. Level 1 Cower requires the pet to be at level 5 before it can be learned. In the future, the pet can only be learned after every 10 levels (5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55). Cower has 6 levels at a time. Bears, Leopards, Carrion Birds and Dinosaurs can learn all skills.

How to learn skills from tamed beasts?

First put your pet in the pet slot, and then look for a pet with the skill you want to learn. Then tame it, feed it food and keep it happy. Sometimes you just need to feed it until it is satisfied. Sometimes you don't need to feed it anything at all. Then take him to fight some monsters. It seems that you will learn these skills faster if you are close to your pet when fighting. In other words, you'd better fight monsters with him in hand-to-hand combat. You can let it use this skill automatically or manually, but you need to make sure the pet uses this skill. You will get a message when you learn this skill, but you can also check if your Beast Training skill has this skill if you have already learned it. Once you learn this skill you can give up the pet or keep it.

How do I teach my pet skills?

To teach your pet new skills, first make sure your pet can learn these skills and must be by your side. Moreover, the pet's level must meet the requirements of the new skill, and it must have enough skill points. You can open Beast Training from the skill book or from a pre-set skill bar. Select a skill you want to train and click the button.

How to use the Pet Slot

When you first arrive at the Pet Slot you do not have any pet slots. There are 3 grids in the pet column, 1 on the left, which is the pet grid you are currently using, and the other 2 on the right, which are the pet grids of the storage box. These grids need to be bought, the first grid costs 5 silver coins and the second grid costs 5 gold coins. After you purchase a grid, you can move your pet to the first grid. To swap pets in and out of the pet slot, just drag a pet to another grid.

There is a dead pet in my pet inventory. I don’t want to revive it. What should I do?

If the dead pet is in the pet column, go to the pet column first and take out the dead pet as a pet next to you. Now you need to make the game think you have a dead pet. Here are a few ways: Go to a new continent and continue. Another way is to log out of the game and then enter the game or go to a copy. This pet should be able to be resurrected at this time.

How to use the pet skill bar?

The pet skill column has 10 cells. The first cell is attack. Left-click it and the pet will attack your target. The next 2 grids are follow and stand. Left-clicking will activate these two states. The activated state will be highlighted. The next 4 grids are the pet's 4 skills: Growl, Bite, Claw, and Cower. Right-clicking will set these skills to be used automatically, or you can use these skills manually by left-clicking on the skill icon. The remaining three are active attack (actively attack any hostile target within range), defensive attack (attack any target that attacks you), and passive attack (attack no target without your command). A mode will be highlighted if it is active, left click to change the mode.

I lost my pet skill buttons. How can I get them back?

Open the pet skill book and drag these skill buttons to the pet skill bar. This can only be done when the pet is activated.

What is the best pet?

After training almost all pets (without training bats and orangutans), I think pets can be divided into 4 types, among which bats and orangutans are just guesses. I think there is no best pet, and using different pets in different situations can get better results. In short, they are classified into high health type, high armor type, high DPS type, and average type.

Which pets are high health pets?

A Gorilla, Bear and Tallstrider are all high health pets, medium or low armor, medium or low DPS , among these pets, only the bear can learn the claw skill. Others can learn the skill of bite. They are good tanks and melee fighters.


The skills it can learn are Growl, Bite, Claw and Cower.

After being captured, it will have the Claw skill

Can be eaten Meat, fish, cheese, bread, mushrooms, fruits

High health medium armor

Low DPS 2.0 attack speed


Skills that can be learned: Growl, Bite and Cower.

Can eat fruits and mushrooms

High health and low armor

Medium DPS 2.0 attack speed


The skills that can be learned are Growl, Bite and Cower.

With the Cower skill when captured

Can eat cheese, fruit, and mushrooms

High health, low armor

Medium DPS 2.0 or 1.3 attack speed

Which pets are high armor pets?

Turtle, Crab, Scorpid, and Crocilisk. These pets are high armor type pets. They have medium or low health, medium or low DPS. Crabs and Scorpid can learn Claw. Turtles and Crocilisk can learn bite skills. They are also good tanks and melee fighters.


The skills that can be learned are Growl, Claw and Cower.

The skill Claw is acquired when caught

Can eat fish , bread, fruit, mushrooms

Low health and high armor

Medium DPS 2.0 attack speed


Skills that can be learned Growl, Bite and Cower.

With Bite skill when captured

Can eat meat and fish

Low health and high armor

Medium DPS 2.0 attack speed


Can learn Growl, Claw and Cower.

With Claw skill when captured

Only eats Meat

Medium health and high armor

Low DPS, 2.0 or 1.6 attack speed


Can learn Growl, Bite and Cower .

With Bite skill when captured

Eat fruits and mushrooms

Medium health and high armor

Low DPS 2.0 attack Speed

Which pets are high DPS pets?

Dinosaurs, leopards (cats), bats, birds, spiders, and wind serpents (Wind Serpent.) These pets are all high dps pets. They have medium or low health, medium or low armor, in fact Only the dinosaurs have medium armor and low health. The rest have medium health and low armor.

Leopards, birds, and dinosaurs can learn Claw skills, and dinosaurs, leopards, spiders, and wind snakes can learn Bite.


can learn all pet skills

May have Cower skill when capturing

Eat meat and fish

Medium health and low armor

High DPS 2.0 1.6, 1.5, 1.4, 1.3 1.2 Attack speed


Can learn Growl, Bite and Cower skills

It may have Cower skill when captured

Eat fruits and mushrooms< /p>

Medium health and low armor

High DPS 2.0 attack speed

Flying Bird

Skills that can be learned: Growl, Claw and Cower.


With Claw skill when captured

Only eats meat

Medium health and low armor

High DPS 2.0 attack speed


can learn all skills

may have Cower skills when captured

only eat meat

low health to medium Armor

High DPS 2.0 attack speed

Spider (confirmed)

Can learn Growl, Bite and Cower.

Possible when captured With Bite skills

Only eats meat.

Only eats meat

Medium health and low armor

High DPS 2.0 1.0 attack speed< /p>

Wind Snake

Can learn Growl, Bite, and Cower.

Eat bread, cheese, fish

Medium health and low armor


High DPS 2.0 1.7 attack speed

Which pets have no special abilities?

Boar, Wolf, Carrion Bird, and Hyena all have medium armor, health, and DPS. They are better as tanks than high-DPS pets or their damage is better than tank pets. Only Carrion Bird can learn the Claw skill, and all pets can learn the bite skill. They are generalists while other pets are experts in everything.


can learn Growl, Bite and Cower.

Eat meat, fish, cheese, bread, fruits, mushrooms

Medium/High HP Medium/High Armor

Medium/Low DPS 2.0 Attack Speed

Carrion Bird

Can learn all skills

Eat meat and fish

Medium health, medium armor

Medium DPS 2.0 attack speed


Can learn Growl, Bite and Cower.

Eat meat and fruit

Medium health, medium armor

Medium DPS 2.0 attack speed


Can Learn Growl, Bite and Cower.

It may be captured with bite skills

Only eat meat

Medium armor, medium health

Medium DPS, 2.0 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.3 or 1.2 attack speed

How do I name my pet and how do I give up my pet?

Below your life and magic bars are your pet's life and rage bars. If you right-click on your pet's avatar, there will be a pop-up menu with several options. Name your pet. (If it has been named, there will no longer be an option), abandon the pet, and display the pet status. Left-click on the named pet and a pop-up window will appear for you to enter the name of the pet. Once you name the pet, you cannot change the name. Left-click Clicking Give Up Pet will give up your pet, and you will never be able to summon your pet. Use this option when you are sure that you never want this pet.