What are the most effective water-saving irrigation methods and measures in arid areas?

Drip irrigation is the most effective water-saving irrigation method in arid areas. Drip irrigation is to

What are the most effective water-saving irrigation methods and measures in arid areas?

Drip irrigation is the most effective water-saving irrigation method in arid areas. Drip irrigation is to distribute the water and nutrients needed by crops evenly through the drippers on plastic pipes and capillaries, and then slowly drip into the soil at the root of crops. Advantages of drip irrigation: 1, reducing water evaporation, reducing air humidity and effectively reducing diseases. 2. Water saving is 33% compared with sprinkler irrigation and 8 1.6% compared with border irrigation. 3. Irrigation and fertilization can be carried out together, which can effectively improve fertilizer efficiency and reduce fertilizer consumption.

First, the most effective water-saving irrigation method in arid areas

Drip irrigation is the most effective water-saving irrigation method in arid and water-deficient areas.

1. Definition of drip irrigation

Drip irrigation is to distribute the water and nutrients needed by crops evenly through the drippers on plastic pipes and capillaries, and then slowly drip into the soil at the root of crops.

2. Advantages of drip irrigation

(1) Reduce water evaporation and air humidity, and effectively reduce the probability of crop diseases.

(2) Compared with sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation saves water by 33%, electricity by 4 1.3%, water by 8 1.6% and electricity by about 85.3%.

(3) Drip irrigation can be combined with fertilization, which can effectively improve fertilization effect, reduce fertilization amount, reduce cost and reduce pollution.

(4) Drip irrigation can also largely avoid soil hardening, ventilation and permeability decline and other factors.

3. Disadvantages of drip irrigation

(1) Drip irrigation may limit the growth of crop roots.

(2) If drip irrigation is carried out on the soil with high salt content, the salt in the soil will always accumulate at the edge of the wet area. If this time continues, salt may rush to the roots of crops, causing salt damage.

(3) The dropper equipment may be blocked due to factors such as water quality or chemical deposits, which may affect the normal drip irrigation.

Second, what measures are there for water-saving irrigation?

Water-saving irrigation includes agronomic measures, engineering measures and management measures.

1, agronomic measures

According to the local water source conditions, appropriate hydroponics should be adopted to adjust the planting hunger structure of crops. But we should choose varieties that use less water and are drought-tolerant.

(1) first, integrate the land, level the site, deeply plough and loosen the soil, and then apply more organic fertilizer, which can effectively improve the soil hardening and increase the water storage capacity of the main concession.

(2) Using plastic film or straw mulching, or intertillage, harrowing, suppression and other measures to conserve soil moisture can reduce water evaporation loss.

2, engineering measures

Build reservoirs, mountain ponds, pools and water cellars.

(1) Take anti-seepage measures for the channel, and then change the open channel into pipeline water delivery.

(2) Prepare various professional tools such as gates and valves that can improve the canal system and pipelines, and install water metering devices.

(3) Sprinkler irrigation and micro-irrigation can effectively improve furrow irrigation, border irrigation and flood irrigation.

3. Management measures

(1) Policies and regulations to encourage water conservation can be formulated, water prices can be adjusted, and water conservation can be urged economically.

(2) Water-saving irrigation system can also be used to guide irrigation and improve the water organization of grass-roots water pipes.

(3) Finally, pay attention to intensify water-saving publicity and popularize water-saving knowledge.