What does the RMB symbol look like? How to input the RMB symbol? Many friends can’t tell the difference between the RMB symbol and the US dollar symbol. Here, the naming website will tell you about the RMB symbol and a complete list of major international currencies and symbols. Let's do some science.
RMB Symbol
The Origin of the RMB Abbreviation Symbol When we write the amount of RMB, we are accustomed to writing a symbol before the Arabic numerals. This is the abbreviation symbol of our country's RMB. It not only serves as the written symbol of RMB, but also represents the currency system of RMB, and also represents the unit of RMB, Yuan. When filling in amounts with Arabic numerals in economic transactions and accounting, add a symbol before the first amount of the amount, which can not only prevent numbers from being filled in before the amount, but also indicate the amount in RMB. Since it represents the unit of RMB, if a symbol is added before the amount, there is no need to add the word "yuan" after the amount.
So, how did the abbreviation symbol for RMB come into being?
This goes back to the Republic of China. In 1935, the Kuomintang government reformed the currency system and legally determined the currency in circulation, that is, "legal currency". At first, the legal currency only maintained a certain parity with the pound sterling. Later, as the role of the US dollar in the international market grew, the legal currency was pegged to the US dollar. Therefore, the legal currency symbol is borrowed from the dollar symbol and written as ?$?. The People's Bank of China was established on December 1, 1948, and issued the first set of RMB in New China. However, in the early days of liberation, people were still accustomed to using ?$? as the header symbol when writing amounts in Arabic numerals. It was not until March 1, 1955, when the People's Bank of China issued the second set of RMB that the symbol of the RMB was officially determined. Because the unit of RMB is "yuan", and the Chinese pinyin of "yuan" is "YUAN", therefore, the RMB symbol uses the first letter "Y" in the Chinese pinyin of "yuan". In order to distinguish the misunderstanding and miswriting between ?Y? and Arabic numerals, two horizontal lines are added to the word ?Y? and the pronunciation is still ?yuan?. Since then, people have begun to use symbols to represent RMB, and use it as the header symbol when writing numerical amounts. For example, RMB 100 is written as ?100? or ?RMB?100?.
It seems that adding two horizontal lines is correct, so why do so many people write this symbol as ¥? And what is the symbol of ¥? For many people, or is the symbol of RMB, and ¥ is the symbol of Japanese yen. Some people hold the opposite opinion, saying that ¥ is the symbol of RMB and ¥ is the symbol of Japanese yen? This is another unfounded argument. From the passbooks and receipts of many banks and the receipts of the tax bureau, since they are on Chinese territory, the Chinese tax bureau and banks should not use the Japanese yen as their own currency unit of measurement. It can be said with certainty that it is the RMB symbol. The real RMB symbol should be Y plus two horizontal lines.
How to type the RMB symbol
So how can we correctly output the symbol?
Hold down the ALT key and continuously type the four numbers 0165 on the small keyboard. Then release the ALT key to enter the RMB symbol. Try typing it in Word and it will be displayed correctly. In chat software such as QQ, the RMB symbol cannot be printed using this method. You can copy and paste if needed.
¥This symbol is the RMB symbol, pronounced as ?元?. When writing, write a Y first and then add a horizontal line.
Universal input method for the RMB (¥) symbol,
In the Chinese input method state, use the Shift 4 shortcut key to type the RMB symbol
There is also a shortcut key method (not easy to remember)
Hold down Alt 0165
This method is suitable for any input method.
Easy way to input the RMB symbol
I am using the Baidu input method here, which can be input in pinyin
It can appear if you enter renminbi or RMB The symbol of ¥. You can test whether other input methods are suitable for you.
Currency symbols around the world
Currency name, region, currency symbol, ISO logo, Algeria, Algerian dinar, AD.DZD, Afghanistan, Afghanistan, Af.AFA, Argentina, Argentine peso, Arg.P.ARP, Oman Rial Oman RO.OMR Egypt Egyptian Pound £E.; LF.EGP Escudo Portugal ESC.PTE** Irish Pound Ireland £.Ir.IEP Austrian Shilling Austria Sch.ATS Australia Australian Dollar $A.AUD Macau Yuan China Macau PAT.; P.MOP Barbados Barbadian Dollar BDS.$BBD Bahamas Commonwealth Bahamas Dollar B.$BSD Pakistani Rupee Pakistan Pak.Re.; P.Re. Plural: P.Rs.PRK Paraguay Paraguay Guarani Guars. PYG Bahraini Dinar Bahrain BD.BHD Panama Panama Balboa B.PAB Brazil New Cruzeiro Gr.$BRC Benin non-*** body franc C.F.A.F.XOF Belgian franc Belgium Bi.; B.Fr.; B. Fc.BEF Peseta Spanish Pts.; Pes.ESP Icelandic krona Icelandic I.Kr.ISK Bolivia Bolivian peso Bol.P.BOP Burundi Burundi franc F.BuBIF North Korean round North Korea w (plus one horizontal) KPW Equatorial Guinea Equatorial Guinea Equiler EK.GQE Danish Krone Danish D.Kr.DKK Dramark Greece Dr.GRD Shield Indonesia Rps.IDR Togo Non-*** Body Franc C.F.A.F.XOF Dominica Dominican Peso R.D.$DOP Ecuador Sucre S/.ECS Franc France F.F.; Fr.Fc.; F.FR.FRF Philippine Peso Philippines Ph.Pes.; Phil.P.PHP Fiji Fiji Dollar F.$FJD Finnish Mark Finland MK.; FM.; FK.; FMK.FIM Forint Hungary FT.HUF Gambia Falasi D.G.GMD Congo Central African Financial Cooperation Franc CFAFXAF Hong Kong Dollar China Hong Kong HK$HKD Colombia Colombian Peso Col$COP Costa Rica Costa Rica Colon¢CRC Cuba Cuban Peso Cu.Pes.CUP Guyana Guyana Dollar G.$GYD Haitian Ancient Germany G.; Gds.HTG Korean won South Korea w (plus one horizontal line) KPW Dutch guilder Netherlands Gs.; Fl.; Dfl.; Hfl.; fl.NLG Honduras Lempira L.HNL Kip Laos K.LAK Djibouti Djibouti franc DJ.FS; DFDJF Guinea Guinea Siri GS.GNS Guinea Bissau Guinea Peso PG.GWP Canadian dollar Can.$CAD Ghana cedi¢GHC Gabon CAFCA franc CFAFXAF Czech Republic Czech Republic and Slovakia Kcs.; Cz.Kr. CSK Zimbabwe Zimbabwe dollar ZIM.$ZWD Cameroon Central African Financial Cooperation Franc CFAFXAF Qatari Rial Qatar QR.QAR Comoros Comorian franc Com.F.KMF Cote d’Ivoire CFA franc C.F.A.F.XOF Kuwait Dinar Kuwait K.D. KWD Kenya Kenyan shilling K.ShKES Lebanese pound Lebanese pound L.LBP Lira Italian Lit.ITL Liberia Liberian dollar L.$$; Lib.$LRD Libya Libyan dinar LD.LYD Bulgaria Lev.BGL Lek Albania Af .ALL Lei Romania L.ROL Rupee Indian Re. Plural: Rs.INR Ruble Russian Rbs.Rbl.SUR Luxembourg Franc Luxembourg Lux.F.LUF Rwanda Rwanda Franc RF.RWF Madagascar Madagascar Franc F.Mg.MCF Maldives Rupee Maldives M.R.R ;MAL.Rs.MVR Maltese Pound Maltese £.M.MTP Mark Germany DM.DEM Malaysian Dollar Malaysian M.$; Mal.$MYR Mauritius Mauritius Rupee Maur.Rp.MUR Mauritania Ouguiya UMMRO United States Dollar U.S.$USD Peru New Sol S/.PES Burmese Myanmar K.BUK Morocco Moroccan Dirham DH.MAD Mexico Mexico
Copeso Mex.$MXP South African Rand R.ZAR Yugoslav New Dinar Yugoslav Din. Dr. YUD Nepal C.F.A.F. XOF Nepalese Rupee Nepal N. Re. Plural: N. Rs. NPR Nicaragua Cordoba CSNIC Nigerian Naira NNGN Norwegian Krone Norwegian N.Kr.NOK Euro European Monetary Union EUREUR Yuan China RMB¥CNY Japanese Yen Japan¥; J.¥JPY Swedish Krona Swedish S.Kr.SEK Riel Cambodian CR.; JRi.KHR Switzerland Franc Swiss SF.;SFR.CHF El Salvador Salvador Colon ¢SVC Sierra Leone Leone Le.SLL Senegal Non-*** Franc C.F.A.F.XOF Cyprus Pound Cyprus £C.CYP Seychelles Seychelles Rupee S.RP(S )SCR Upper Volta franc C.F.A.F. Somali Shilling Sh.So.SOS Thai Baht Thailand BT.; Tc.THP Tanzania Tanzanian Shilling T.Sh.TZS Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad Tobago Dollar T.T.$TTD Tunisia Tunisian Dinar TD .TND Turkish Pound Turkish £T. (TL.) TRL Guatemalan Quetzal QGTQ Venezuela Bolivar BVEB Uganda Ugandan Shilling U.Sh.UGS Uruguay Uruguay New Peso N.$UYP Singapore Dollar Singapore S.$SGD New Taiwan Dollar Taiwan, China NT$TWD New Zealand New Zealand Dollar $NZ.NZD Syrian Pound Syrian Pound Syrian £.Syr.; £.S.SYP Jamaican Dollar $.J.JMD Yar Saudi Arabia S.A.Rls.; S.R.SAR Yemeni Dinar Democracy Yemeni YD.YDD Yemeni Rial Arab Yemeni YRL.YER Iraqi Dinar Iraqi IDIQD Iranian Rial Iranian RI.IRR British Pound British £; £Stg.GBP Jordanian Dinar Jordanian J.D.; J.Dr.JOD Vietnamese Dong Vietnamese D.VND Zambia Zambian Kwacha KW.; K.ZMK Zaire Zaire Z.ZRZ Chad Central African Financial Cooperation Franc CFAFXAF Chile Chilean Peso P.CLP Central African Financial Cooperation Franc CFAFXAF Zloty Poland ZL.PLZ