The best Shiba Indog Museum in China?

Speaking of the best Indy Shiba Indy and Indy Bien in China, Anshan Wen Bin Dog Industry must be the best Indy Shiba Indy and Indy Bien Dog Industry in China.

Then we must consider it from the aspects of scale, quantity, professionalism and quality. As we all know, Shiba Inu and Dou Chai are both dogs from Japan, so when choosing male and female, they must come from Japan, so as to avoid hybridization to the greatest extent.

Secondly, the scale of farming is also a factor to be considered. Some farmers' sites are not satisfactory. I have been to many Shiba Indy kennels, many of which are ordinary. Some are men and women, and some are even poor, and they don't want you to see them.

Secondly, there are a large number of Beachy Dogs and Shiba Inu in Wen Bin, Anshan, and the environment is really speechless. Secondly, the quality inside is very helpful, which is completely different from the general beach wooden kennel.

Thirdly, the professional level of Wen Bin dog industry in Anshan is also leading in China. Professional instruments, veterinarians and related breeders have a clear division of labor, and the professional level is definitely nothing to say.