Minerva McGonagall’s character experience

Professor McGonagall is the Vice-Principal of Hogwarts (Chapter 29 of the Half-Blood Prince). During Dumbledore's lifetime, Professor McGonagall was the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts and one of Dumbledore's strongest supporters. She is a harsh, stern witch with little patience for those who break the rules. When Dumbledore was temporarily dismissed as principal by the board of directors due to a series of unknown monster attacks on students, she also temporarily took over as principal (Chapter 14 of Chamber of Secrets).

She does not shy away from punishing the Gryffindor students in her house, and is meticulous about taking points from them even if it means losing the House Cup. In fact, she was more interested in deducting excessive points from the students in her own house (for example, after deducting 20 points from a Slytherin student who made the same mistake, she deducted 20 points from every Gryffindor who slipped out of bed and wandered around the castle. 50 points will be deducted for more students). The Gryffindors once talked about how they wished she liked them the way Snape liked the Slytherins (Philosopher's Stone, Chapter 8). Mag is an Animagus who can transform into a tabby cat at will. When she is in cat form, she wears square glasses that match the patterns around a cat's eyes (Philosopher's Stone Chapter 1).

McGonagall teaches Transfiguration at Hogwarts. She felt that other forms of magic seemed less complex and superior than Transfiguration. She is famous for giving her students a lot of homework (Chapter 8 of Philosopher's Stone).

McGonagall and Hermione seem to have a lot in common. They both follow the rules in everything and are both recognized as being extremely smart. McGonagall arranged for Hermione to take an elective course using a time-turner in her third year (Prisoners Chapter 5). Mag occasionally showed her gentler side. When Harry and Ron told her they were going to visit the petrified Hermione in the infirmary, she approved them with tears in her eyes (Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 16). She cried when she learned that Lily and James Potter had been killed (Philosopher's Stone Chapter 1). She became disturbed when she thought about her excessive strictness with Peter Pettigrew and his death in the pursuit of Sirius Black (The Prisoner Chapter 10).

McGonagall wears an emerald green robe (Philosopher's Stone, Chapter 7), her pajamas are a plaid dressing gown and a hairnet (Philosopher's Stone, Chapter 14, Prisoners, Chapter 13), and carries a Lace Handkerchief (Philosopher's Stone Chapter 1). She disapproved of "letting her hair down", although she did try to wear a top hat to the 1991 Christmas party, and even after a drunken Hagrid kissed her on the cheek, she Giggling and blushing (Philosopher's Stone Chapter 12). At the 1994 Yule Ball, she wore a red tartan gown with an ugly thistle wreath on the brim of her hat. Her dance partner is Albus Dumbledore (Goblet of Fire, Chapter 23). McGonagall is a very obsessed Quidditch enthusiast and an avid supporter of her house team. When she saw Harry Potter swooping down to catch the Memory Ball from mid-air, she immediately decided to make him a Seeker and bought him a broomstick (Philosopher's Stone) against the rules.