How to cancel displaying the phone number of the company name

If we want to cancel displaying the company name by phone number, we need to use a third-party application, such as sogou number connection. We can visit the official website of sogou number connection in the browser, and then click the "number authentication" button on the page, so that we can check whether our mobile phone number is included.

If the mobile phone number has been included, you can see the name of the store or company that someone called you on the left side of the page, and then we can click the "number complaint" button, then fill in the relevant information according to the prompt and submit it. The official will handle the user's complaint within seven days, and there will be an email reminder after the complaint is successful.

Tips for using mobile phone: 1. Set the call background photo-first open the application, then click the "phone" option, then click the "call background" option, after entering, open the "lock screen wallpaper" function, then click the "customize" option, and finally select the photo in the mobile phone album as the background and set it as the default option.

2. The phone is hot when making a call-the degree of fever during a call is mainly related to your call duration and the call environment. During the call, the radio frequency device, screen, speaker or earphone of the mobile phone are constantly running. The longer the call, the more obvious the fever of the mobile phone. When the signal is unstable, in order to achieve good network quality, the transmitting and receiving power of mobile phone signals will automatically increase, which may lead to an increase in the calorific value of mobile phones.