Wang Erxiao was born in 1929 in the family of a poor farmer in Shangzhuang Village, Laiyuan County, Hebei Province. Wang Er is the second eldest child. His elder brother is Shitou. His father, Wang Gui, is an honest farmer who earns a living by working for Liu Wenqin, a big landowner in the village. His mother, Wang Zhang, does needlework for others. The whole family of four lives in the grandmother's temple in the village. Wang Erxiao's original name was Wang He. It is said that his father's original intention in naming him was to hope that he would grow up like a seedling.
In the summer of 1939, heavy rains caused disasters and the crops were not harvested. In the spring of the next year, during the third year of the Anti-Japanese War, natural and man-made disasters occurred, creating the tragic phenomenon of "no village does not wear filial piety, and there are cries everywhere". As a result, Wang Erxiao's parents and brother died of illness and hunger. In the spring of 1940, Wang Erxiao, who was helpless, began his escape career. One day in May of this year, Erxiao, who had been wandering for a long time, fainted on the roadside due to hunger and pain. He was rescued by the director of the Langyakou Village Committee. Later, he was assigned to work as a cattle herder for a wealthy family named Liu to make a living.
At that time, the cavalry company of the 1st Independent Division of the First Division of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region was stationed in this area. The second child likes horses, often plays in the cavalry company, and is very familiar with the Eighth Route Army soldiers. He is a smart child, very introverted and doesn't like to talk. He always wears a very shabby coat all year round. Captain Wu of the Cavalry Company likes this orphan very much. He often tells him war stories and keeps him when it's time for dinner. eat. Later, the second child joined the Children's League, herding cattle and serving as sentinel for the Eighth Route Army.
On the morning of October 25, 1942 (the 16th day of the ninth lunar month), 13-year-old Wang Erxiao was grazing cattle on the hillside of Waiyagou Gate, which the local fellows called Langyagou Gate. Suddenly he saw a group of Japanese soldiers entering. When Shan Lai raided the village, there were dozens of Japanese soldiers walking towards Fanzhuangwang Village from Langyakou. The Eighth Route Army's rear organs are hidden in the ravine over there, as well as many villagers. If the Japanese invade that ravine, not only the Eighth Route Army's rear organs will be damaged, but the villagers will also be doomed. But at this time it was too late to run back and report.
At this moment, Erxiao suddenly remembered that in order to smash the Japanese attack, the Laiyuan Anti-Japanese Government had transferred more than 20 wounded people and food. In order to protect the rear organs and the masses, the cavalry company was ambushing the stone. On the stone ridge in the corner of the lake. Erxiao thought about it calmly. He wanted to lead the Japanese into an ambush and let the Eighth Route Army catch them off guard! After making up his mind, Erxiao deliberately exposed his target. When the Japanese soldiers who were bumping around in the valley saw Erxiao, they quickly grabbed him from the hillside and asked for directions. Erxiao cleverly dealt with the Japanese and deceived their trust to lead the way. Going east from Langyagou Gate is Fanzhuangwang Village. Wang Erxiao led the Japanese into the northwest ditch and led them to the corner of Shihu where the Eighth Route Army was ambushing. In fact, this is a dead end road. After climbing over the boulder, you will reach the end of the road. Sixty years ago, our troops were ambushing on the top of the slopes on both sides, monitoring the movements in the valley below.
The second mistress and the Japs came here, but it was surprisingly quiet everywhere. There was no movement at all. Didn’t our troops notice it? The second heart became anxious, seeing all the Japs entering the valley, it would be too late if we didn't fight!
The Japanese were dumbfounded and didn’t realize they had been fooled until then. Erxiao wanted to run towards the bushes while the enemy was still in shock. At this time, the Japanese officer raised his foreign knife towards him. The first knife cut off five fingers of Wang Erxiao's right hand, and the second knife stabbed Wang Erxiao. The small chest threw him onto the boulder. At the same time, the troops on the hilltop were firing with gunfire, and they wiped out all the enemies without even a pack of cigarettes.