Excerpts of good words from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Good words: strangely dressed, dumbfounded, hysterical, fighting openly and secretly, completely different, ignored and relieved

Good words:

①The man is twice as tall as an ordinary person and at least five times as wide. , seems to be surprisingly tall and rough - the tangled long black hair and beard almost cover most of his face, his hands are as big as trash can lids, and his feet wearing leather boots are like two small dolphins .

② His face is almost completely covered by long unkempt hair and a thick tangled beard, but you can still see his pair of black beetle-like eyes shining beneath the hair.

Good paragraph:

①A low rumble broke the silence around him. As they searched the streets for car headlights, the sound grew louder and finally turned into a roar. They looked up at the sky and saw a giant motorcycle falling from the sky and parked on the street in front of them.

②There are one hundred and forty-two staircases in Hogwarts. Some of them are wide and big, some are narrow, small, and rickety; some lead to other places every Friday; some go up halfway, and a step will suddenly disappear. You have to remember where. The place should be skipped. In addition, there are many doors that will not open for you if you ask them to open them politely, or poke them in the right place. Some doors are not really doors at all, just a solid wall that looks like a door. It’s also not easy to remember what is where because everything seems to be constantly moving. The people in the portraits also continued to visit each other, and Harry was certain that they could even walk in armor.

Main content: After losing his parents, one-year-old Harry Potter mysteriously appeared in front of his aunt and uncle. Harry was bullied at his uncle's house. The uncle and aunt seemed to be vicious, and their son Dali, a fat and fat man, often punched and kicked Harry. Harry's "room" was a small storage room at the head of the stairs. When he was eleven years old, an owl sent him a letter inviting Harry to an incredible place - Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. At the magic school, Harry not only found good friends, played Quidditch on a broomstick, but also got an invisibility cloak. With the appearance of a magic stone, he became a famous student in the school.