Good star names include Sirius, Betelgeuse, Weaver Girl, Neptune, Uranus and so on.
1. Sirius
Sirius (α? CMA), the brightest star in the night sky, has an apparent magnitude of -1.47 and an absolute magnitude of +1.3, about 8.6 light years away from the solar system. Sirius is actually a binary star system, which includes a white main sequence star of spectral A1V and another dark white dwarf companion star Sirius B of spectral DA2.
2. Pluto
Pluto is a dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt. Pluto is the first Kuiper Belt object discovered, the first ghost-like object, and the dwarf planet with the largest known volume and the second largest mass in the solar system.
3. Weaver Girl
Vega, also known as Vega I or α(α Lyrae, is the brightest star in Lyra, ranking fifth in the night sky and the second brightest star in the northern hemisphere, after arcturus. Like arcturus and Sirius, it is a star very close to the Earth, only about 25 ly away from the Earth. It is also one of the brightest stars near the sun.
4. Neptune
Neptune is one of the eight planets in the solar system and the farthest planet from the sun in the known solar system. The semi-major axis of Neptune's orbit is 3.7 astronomical units, while that of period of revolution is 164.8 years, with a mass of 17.147 Earth mass and a radius of 3.86 radius of the earth.
5. Uranus
Uranus, one of the eight planets in the solar system, is the seventh planet in the solar system from the inside out, ranking third in volume and fourth in mass in the solar system, and revolving around the sun almost horizontally.