The place where Chang'e 4 landed on the moon in 2019 is named Tianhe Base. This is the name given by our country, and of course it is recognized by the international community, because almost all countries conduct space exploration. If the naming rules influenced by the Astronomical Union are unified globally, it will make it easier for everyone to explore these terrains.
my country's Chang'e 4 landed on the back of the moon. This can be said to be a breakthrough, because other aviation countries, such as the United States, Russia, and Europe, have almost given up exploring the back of the moon. Because the place they land on is the side of the moon that faces the earth, it is called the front side of the moon. The place we are going to land on is the back side of the moon. The back side of the moon is different from what we see. There may also be certain differences in the seismic environment. In order to better detect the overall situation of the moon and master its complete information, my country launched Chang'e 4 to explore the back of the moon.
The name of Tianhe Base Tianhe comes from ancient Chinese myths and legends, the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. The Weaver Girl is a fairy in the sky. The detective met the Cowherd during his descent to earth and felt that this character was very good. , got married, but were blocked by the gods and were caught. They went back and drew a river to prevent them from meeting. The name of this river was Tianhe. At that time, Cowherd was just a mortal and of course could not cross the Tianhe, so he blocked them Meet. Everything in the world is spiritual, and some animals are moved by them, and then build a bridge on their own so that they can meet once a year, that is, on July 7th, the Cowherd meets the Weaver Girl.
Many names of the moon have their own meanings. The names of our country are naturally related to our country’s myth and legend system. The names of foreign countries are naturally related to their culture. It doesn't matter, these names are just code names. Each country's cultural system is different, so the names are different.