Where does our name come from?

Name science originated from the philosophical thoughts of many sages in ancient my country and is the quintessence of our country. Confucius said: "If the name is incorrect, the words will not be correct." Su Dongpo said: "In this world, only name and reality cannot be deceived." Yan Fu said: "When a person is established, he hesitates for ten months." All sages have pointed out the importance of names to people.

There is a famous saying in ancient times: "Whatever has a name must have reality, and a name is the guest of reality." In the book "Shuo", the meaning of "name" is "ming", and "name is self-mingling". In ancient times, many sages have done research on names, but unfortunately they only explained their meanings (the meaning of names is the meaning of characters and stars) and did not develop it. Later, it was combined with the "Book of Changes" to form a specialized knowledge (Zhouyi Naming Science). . Because naming requires profound knowledge of the Book of Changes, it is only in the upper class that people often use folk custom naming methods. By the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century, the Japanese scholar Takeo Yuzaki organized the onomastics in a relatively systematic manner and called it "Shengxue" (five-frame profile method), which was actually Chinese onomology. And the students who study this study will be given the "holy students" to learn well.

Afterwards, this style spread to Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, South Korea and other regions. After the five-frame profile method was spread to my country, it was combined with the Zhouyi naming theory to form today's naming theory.

Nowadays, some owners who do not know how to name names claim that they do not use the five-square method for naming, giving people the feeling that they have discovered the secret of naming. However, looking at the method, it is nothing more than the pronunciation and meaning of the characters. It only removes the content of Yi Xue on the basis of the original nameology. This method of removing the main points and leaving the bias is really undesirable. For a good name to be used successfully in society and give people a good feeling, it must meet the requirements of human sociology. Names are made up of words, and knowledge of languages ??and characters is also essential in order to come up with a good name. But the above two points are only the superficial external factors of a name. If a name is good for others, will it be good for us if we use it? Not necessarily? How to choose a good name that fits you well? This is the core of the study of names. Human beings live in this universe, and all their activities must comply with the laws of the universe (just like people in society must follow social laws). As the old saying goes: "Those who follow the sky will prosper and those who go against it will perish." The heaven in it is the law of the universe (Zhouyi). Respected as the head of the group of scriptures, it is a knowledge that specializes in studying the laws of the universe. It has been able to endure for thousands of years in China and even the world, which shows that its value is extraordinary). Everything in the universe is interconnected and affects each other. The emergence of a new name will inevitably have a certain impact on the people around it who often use it. These impacts can be divided into benign and malignant. Therefore, there is: "An evil name brings evil disaster. It is said that a good name brings good luck." The ancients said: "If you want to do something, you must first correct your name." To write a book, you must first choose a pen name, to go to school, you must first choose a scientific name, and to start an art, you must first choose a good stage name that suits you. A good name is a good start. It can be seen that the influence of names on life is crucial.