Then there are some small constellations: extending the arc of spring like the south, you can find an irregular quadrilateral composed of four stars with medium brightness, which is the crow's nest. With Emperor I and arcturus as the hypotenuse, make an isosceles right triangle to the northeast, and you can also find a star with medium brightness, which is the main star of Canis cor caroli (these three stars together with Bumblebee I form the big diamond in spring).
Northwest of Leo is the constellation of Tmall, between Leo and Ursa major is the constellation of Little Lion, and northeast of Leo is the constellation of the back row. In the south of Xuanyuan XIV, a bright star can be found, but there is no other bright star nearby, which is the main star of Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus, as the name implies, is very long, and it is the largest constellation in the whole day. It extends westward from Canis minor and connects Cancer, Leo, sextant, Dagong, Raven, Virgo and Libra in the north. In the south of Ophiuchus, there are two bright constellations, Centauri in the west and Wolf in the east, but their altitude angles are relatively low, so they will only stand on the horizon in the south, which is not easy to observe.
Finally, a bright star can be found in the northeast of arcturus, which is the main star of the Northern Corona. In addition, you can also find Polaris, the main star of Ursa minor (Gou Chenyi), which extends northward five times along the bucket mouth. In addition, Tianlong's tail extends between Daxiong and Xiaoxiao. His body encircles the arch pole for more than half a circle, and his head is located in the north of Vega. Obviously, this is located in the summer sky.
PS, please look at my answer with the star map.
PPS specially reminds that the east-west direction of the star map is opposite to that of the map, not left, west, right and east, but right and west of Zuo Dong.