1/2 1~2/ 18
The ruler is Uranus (symbolizing the future)
Air sign
Main star: Uranus
2/ 19~3/20
The ruler is Neptune (a symbol of high fantasy)
Water sign
Leading planet: Neptune
Aries constellation
3/2 1~4/20
The ruler is Mars (symbolizing energy and energy).
Fire sign
Main star: Mars
Taurus constellation
4/2 1~5/20
The ruler is Venus (symbolizing the combination of love and beauty).
earth sign
Main star: Venus
5/2 1~6/2 1
The ruler is Mercury (a symbol of spiritual communication).
Air sign
Main star: Mercury
Cancer constellation
The ruler is the moon (symbolizing emotions and feelings)
Water sign
Dominant star: the moon
Le Signe du Lion
The ruler is the sun (symbolizing enthusiasm and vitality)
Fire sign
Dominant star: the sun
The ruler is Mercury (symbolizing intellectuality and work).
earth sign
Main star: Mercury
9/23~ 10/22
The ruler is Venus (symbolizing the combination of love and beauty).
Wind elephant star
Main star: Venus
10/23~ 1 1/22
The ruler is Pluto (symbolizing transformation)
Water sign
Dominant Stars: Mars and Pluto
1 1/23~ 12/2 1
The ruler is Jupiter (a symbol of wisdom and variables)
Fire sign
Main star: Jupiter
Capricorn. Compare CAPRICORN
12/2 1~ 1/20
The ruler is Saturn.
(symbolizing absolute reason)
earth sign
Main star: Saturn