Fourth place: Gemini Gemini people will think that making money is stronger than paying money. Why it is better to earn money than to earn others' respect. The fact that they can make a lot of money will make Gemini feel a sense of accomplishment. Seeing more and more savings data, he may think that people who spend money indiscriminately are fools. This person is the kind of person who can play A. In this case, he will enjoy paying money, so others will think that Gemini people are full of petty feelings for themselves, and then.
Third place: In fact, the logical thinking of Cancer is that you think things will never be bought, and it is too late to buy them when you have money. Therefore, the first thing that cancer people think of is to wait for me to be rich, but this day will never wait. His idea of saving money is, for example, to buy one or two famous brands if he wants to match. Except for a few key things, everything else is simple and I don't care.
Second place: Leo actually has more definitions of money than we thought! They are by no means the kind of people who burn money without blinking an eye. In fact, Leo generally thinks that he has less wealth and is frugal, and then he will slowly save money when he becomes a wealthy businessman. For example, he will develop his own definition of money. When he sees something used by others, he will ask you how much it costs, and then he will observe whether he gets equal respect for spending this money on this thing. He will constantly adjust his values, and most Leo people care about money.
First place: Pisces Pisces is habitually uncontrollable. Pisces usually has a unique logic of saving money. He is unwilling to give up many things. For example, what he doesn't want to throw away, he will always use it. He will habitually scrimp and save, and after careful calculation, he will control himself from buying things indiscriminately. Its frugality will bring him money, but what do others think you are doing? Buy it if you like! Throw it away when it's worn out!