1 male names, male English names (326 in total)
The meaning of transliteration of names and words
Allen is enlightened and shining.
Abraham, the father of all things.
Adam Adam land, soil
Edison Edison, son of Adam.
Adrian Adrian is a man from the Adriatic Sea.
Allen, Allen, handsome boy.
Albert Albert, noble and talented
Alden Alden, an old friend
Aldo aldo is great.
Alex, Alex, the guardian of mankind
Alexander Alexander, the guardian of mankind
Alfred Alfred's wise adviser
Alvin Alvin's popular friend
Amos Ames is strong and powerful.
Andrew. Andrew has spirit.
Angelo Angelo Messenger
Angus Angus' only choice
Anthony Anthony is valuable and precious.
Aries Aries Aries Aries
Arnold Arnold is as strong as an eagle.
Arthur Arthur is noble.
Augustus, your majesty Augustus
Austin, Austin, dear
Avery, the ruler of Avery elves.
Barry Bailey's pointy items
Bo is very handsome.
Benjamin Benjamin, the son of the upright man.
Bernard Bernard, be brave.
Blake Blake, white
Bradford Bradford wide stream
Bradley Bradley's Wide Grass
Brandon Brandon flame
Brett, Brett, Englishman.
Brian Brian is very strong.
Bruce, Bruce, dense shrubs
Fort Burton Burton
Calvin Bald
Cameron Cameron's crooked nose
Carl Carl farmer
Carlton, Carlton farmer's land
Carson Carson, the man who lives in the swamp
Cary Kelly, the man near the castle
Kathy, Kathy, be brave.
Chad, Chad Guardian
Charles Charles is male and strong.
Chase Chase Hunt
Chris, a follower of Christ.
Christopher Christopher, Christian.
Eric, Eric, Eric is close to God.
Ernest, Ernest's diligent ruler.
Ethan, God is with us.
Eugene, the ruler of Eugene people.
Evan, Evan, sincerely
Everett Everett is strong and firm.
Fabian Fabian is of noble birth.
Fletcher Foley withdrew young soldiers
Freud Freud was as strong as a wild boar.
Forrest, a bean grower
Foster foster, bow and arrow manufacturer.
Francis Francis' dark skin
Franklin Franklin forest
Frederick Frederick, ruler of peace
Gabriel Gabriel God is my strength.
Gail Gail sings.
Gary Gary, the man around Mao
Gavin Gavin, White Eagle
Jeffrey Jeffrey pease
George George Farmer
Jerome, what's wrong with the ruler?
Pioneer Gerald Jerrod
Gilbert Gilbert can be trusted.
Glen Glen Valley
Gordon Gordon Hillside
Graham's gray house
The great grant grant
Gregory's keeper
Hamilton Hamilton comes from a small village on the mountain.
Harold Herod's army.
Harrison Harrison Harry's son
Harvey Harvey Warrior
Hector, heckert has made up his mind.
The ruler of Henry Henry's manor
Herbert Herbert, a glorious soldier.
Herman Helmon warrior
Horace Horace time
Howard hull observer
Hubert Hugh Burt's clever mind
Hugh cultivates wisdom.
Ian Yi Yan, God is merciful.
Owen, Owen's friend in the sea.
Isaac Isaac smiled happily.
Isaiah Isaiah, God save me.
Israel, Israel struggles by God.
Ivan Ivan's sense of being short and thin
Jack, Jack, God is merciful.
Jackson, it's great that Jack has God.
Jacob Jacob's successor
James James' successor
Lynn Lynn FOSS
Marcel Marcel is a short and aggressive man.
Mark, mark, belligerent.
Malone Malone Xiaoying
Marshall Marshall housekeeper
Martin Martin, belligerent
Marvin Marvin likes the sea.
Shijiang cement Jiang
Matthew Matthew, a gift from God.
Maurice Morris's dark skin
Max, Max, the right person's well.
Maxwell Maxwell gets along well with the right people.
Maynard Maynard has the right
Malvin, the leader of malvin.
Merlin Marin Eagle
Michael, Michael, who can compare with God?
Montermann Ti, mt
Morgan Morgan is from the seaside.
Mortimer Mortimer still water
Napoleon Napoleon is a lion from the valley.
Nathaniel Nathaniel, a gift from God.
Neil Neil champion
Nelson Nelson Neil's son
Neville Nayville is from a new town.
Nick, Nick, the victory of the people.
Nicholas, the victory of Nicholas's people
Noah, Noah, rest
Noel Noel was born at Christmas.
Nolan Nolan is famous.
Norbert Norbert's Great Hero
Norman Norman Norman Scandinavian
Oliver Oliver Olive Tree
A follower of the prophet Omar
Orlando Orlando comes from a famous place.
Oscar Oscar's godsend
Owen Owen lamb
Parker, the park ranger.
Patrick Patrick Patrick Nobel
Paul, Paul's little
Percy Pear Tree
Perry pear tree
Peter Peter Locke
Philip, Philip likes horses.
Quincy Quincy came from the inheritance of her fifth son.
Quinn came from the legacy of his fifth son.
Ralph Ralph, consultant Ralph and the wolf's meaning combination
Randolph Randolph Shield and Wolf's Meaning Combination
Raymond Raymond, Raymond's wise guardian.
Reed reed red hair
Reginald, Ray Kinard has the right.
Trojan warrior
Truman Truman was an honest man.
Taylor Taylor, the tile maker.
Ulysses was angry.
The robustness of Valentin Valenti
Vernon Phil may be full of energy
Vic conqueror
Winner, winner, conqueror
Vincent, Vincent conquered
Wade Vader, the man who moved forward
Wallace Wallace Wales
Walter Walter, a powerful warrior
Walter Walter, a powerful warrior
Warren Warren Guardian
Wayne Wayne, truck driver
Wendell wanderer
Wesley Wesley comes from the western grassland.
William William's loyal defender
Willie Willie's loyal defender
A descendant of Wilson Wilson William
Winston Winston's friend
Private Wyatt White
The name yorick yorick was invented by Shakespeare.
Yves Yves Archer
Zachary Zachary, God remembers.
Zach, Zach, God remembers.
Praise is kind, and so is God.
Zenon Zhi Nuo originally referred to the Greek god Zeus.
Clarence Clarence is very clever.
Clark Clark scholar
Clay clay comes from the earth.
Clement, Cremonte, kindness.
Cliff dwellers near the cliff shoal.
Clifford residents near Clifford Cliff Shoal.
Clinton comes from a farm in the Cape of Good Hope.
Cody Cody cushion
Colin, Colin, son.
Constantine Constantine is very determined.
Curry Curry Valley
Cornell Cornell feels very knowledgeable.
Craig Craig Locke
Curtis. Curtis is very polite.
Daledale is from the valley
Dallas Dallas wise
Damon, Desmond's tame man
Dane, Dan, a man from Denmark
Daniel, the ruler of Daniel's world
Danny, Danny, the ruler of the world
Darrel Dalao is deeply loved by everyone.
The great Darren Dai Lun
David, David's lover
Dean Dean is from the valley.
Dennis, a follower of Dennis Dionysus.
Derek Derek
Dense shrubs in Dai Wen.
Fort Dewey
Dexter Dexter, bald
Dominique Daminka, poet
Donald Donald is a cautious scholar.
Dorian Dorian is very clever.
Douglas Douglas belongs to God.
Doyle, a stranger with black hair.
Drew drew a man from the sea.
Duane Du Yuan is from Blackwater.
Duncan Duncan, a black stranger
Dustin Dustin can be trusted.
Dwight Dwight's song
Dylan, a blue-black warrior.
Earl El, a brave soldier.
Edgar Edgar's Open Space in the Forest
Edward Edward west
Edmund Edmund noble
Edwin, Edwin's happy warrior.
Eli Eli, the guardian of wealth.
Elijah Ilya's lucky guardian
Eliot, Eliot's rich friend
Emory is the tallest in emmerich.
Immanuel. Immanuel, the Lord is God.
The ruler of Gjerde.
Jimmy Jamie's successor
Ruler Jordan jaden
Jason Jason, doctor
Jeff, Jeff, peace
Jeffrey Jeffrey pease
Jeremy Jerome was appointed by God.
Jerry, Jerry, God appointed me.
Jerome Jerome's holy name
Jesse, Jesse, God exists.
Joel, Joel, the Lord is God.
John John, God is merciful.
Johnny, Johnny, God is merciful.
Jonathan Jonathan gave birth to God.
Jordan Jordan drops
Joseph Joseph, God will supplement it.
Joshua, Joshua, God saved us.
Josh, Josh, God saved us.
Young Julius Julies
Justin Justin is fair.
Keith Keith forest
Kendall Kendall is from Bright Valley.
Kent Kent, handsome boy
Kenneth Kenneth, handsome
Kenny Kenny, handsome boy
Cmit Freedom Committee.
Kelly Kelly Blake
Kevin, Kevin, that's cute.
Kim, the leader of the Golden War.
Kimball, the leader of the Kimberly War.
Kirkcock church
Kyle Carr's Narrow Strait
Lance Landy
Lawrence Lawrence crowned himself with the moon.
Larry Larry crowned himself with the moon.
Leo lion
Leon lion
Leonard Leonard, the brave lion
Leroy, King Leroy
Leslie Leslie is from Grey Castle.
Lester Lester comes from the chosen tent camp.
Levi Liwei joined in harmoniously.
Lloyd Lloyd's white hair
Lonnie, Lenny, Noble
Louis Louis, a famous soldier
Lowell Lowell coyote
Luke Luke, a man from Lugania.
Lyle Lyle, an island man.
Linden Linden came from the hillside where Linden was planted.
Rene Rene reborn
Rex. King Rex.
Rick was a powerful ruler.
Richard Richard is a powerful ruler.
Robert Robert's bright flame
Rodard, the famous ruler
Roderick Radlik, a famous ruler
Rodney Rodney, the famous
Roger Roger, the famous lancer.
Roland Roland comes from a famous land.
Roman, Roman, a man from Rome
Ron is a powerful and beneficial ruler.
Ronald Ronald, a powerful and advantageous ruler
Ross Ross red
Roy, King Roy
Rudolf Rudolf, the famous wolf
Rudy Rorty's red skin
Russell Russell's ruddy hair
Ryan Ryan, little king
Sam, Sam heard God.
Samuel Samuel heard God.
Scott. Scott.
Sean En Shi John's Irish Pinyin
Sebastian Shibesin's Magnificence
Sheldon Sheldon is from a farm on the coast.
Sherlock Sack has blond hair.
Sydney Sydney's vast land with water.
Simon Simon heard the man's voice.
Sinclair Sinclair has a subtle idea.
Spark, Spock, spark.
Spencer Spencer, housekeeper
Stanley Stanley comes from the rocky grassland.
Stephen/Stephen Stephen Krone
The pound is precious.
Stuart Stewart housekeeper
Sylvester Sylvester lives in the forest.
Terrence Terrence Sloan
Terry, Terry, steady.
Thaddeus, thaddeus and thaddeus have courage.
Theodore Theodore, a gift from God.
Thomas Thomas of Paris
Timothy, Timothy glorifies God.
Titus, glorious titus.
Toby is kinder than God.
Todd Todd fox
Tom, Tom is in pairs.
Tommy, Tommy is a couple.
Travis Travis tax collector
Trent, turbulence in tranter
Trevor Trevor's big house