1) network terminology
Military service center
Pinyin abbreviation for the nickname "crab" of "Cancer" in the twelve constellations.
2) English-Chinese dictionary
Military service center
American military welfare association
= Please exchange.
3) chemistry
Chinese name 1, 4- xylene
English name p-xylene, 1, 4- dimethylbenzene.
4) Computer language
Military service center
Px is the abbreviation of pixel, which is a pixel, not a unit of length in nature. Px is the smallest point in the picture, and the bitmap is made up of these points. 1024px is1024px. The simplest thing you can see is that the windows desktop property is 1024×768, which means there are 1024 points in the horizontal direction and 768 points in the vertical direction. Can anyone tell how long and big a "point" is? You can draw it very small or very big. If the point is small and the picture is clear, we call it "high resolution", otherwise it is "low resolution". Therefore, the size of the pixel will "change", which is the so-called "relative length".