Asia is the largest and most populous of the seven continents, mostly located in the northern hemisphere and the eastern hemisphere. Europe is located in the northwest of the old hemisphere, bordering the Arctic Ocean in the north and the Atlantic Ocean in the west. Africa is located in the southwest of Asia and the southwest of the Eastern Hemisphere. It spans the north and south of the equator. North America is located in the northern part of the western hemisphere, most of which are developed countries, bordering the Atlantic Ocean in the east, the Pacific Ocean in the west and the Arctic Ocean in the north. South America is located in the western part of the western hemisphere, bordering the Atlantic Ocean in the east and the Pacific Ocean in the west. Oceania is the smallest continent, located in the vast sea area north and south of the equator in the southwest of the Pacific Ocean. Antarctica is located at the southernmost tip of the earth, surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean.
The Pacific Ocean accounts for about 46% of the earth's water surface and 32.5% of the earth's total area. The Indian Ocean lies between Asia, Oceania, Africa and Antarctica. The Arctic Ocean is roughly centered on the Arctic Circle and located in the northernmost part of the earth.