Zodiac analysis of constellation blood type (Capricorn, Tiger, Type B)

This issue of Zodiac brings you the personality analysis of Capricorn+Tiger (Zodiac Tiger)+Type B blood. Capricorn is a tiger with type B blood. You are honest and responsible, but you are emotionally unstable. Then, let's take a look at the personality of type B blood of Capricorn Tiger (Zodiac Tiger). Capricorn+Tiger (Zodiac Tiger)+Type B Blood Personality Analysis You are honest and responsible, but your mood is unstable. Being a tiger gives you integrity and humanistic charm, and Capricorn also makes you pay attention to morality and responsibility. So you are respected and loved in your life, everyone is happy to associate with you, and your reputation is good. But when the changeable side of type B blood prevails, it seems a bit emotional. As a result, you often become fickle because of your weak will and uncertain temperament. If you encounter a job that you are not interested in, you often have to change careers and lose your job. But after experiencing all kinds of difficulties in life, with the growth of age, you gradually understand the importance of persistence, become strong and enterprising on the road of life, and begin to know how to absorb fun and essence in your work. Speed dating: Capricorn, AB blood, snake.