How about supporting facilities around Chongqing Freeport Community?

Address of Freeport Community: Check the surrounding map near No.209 Songshi Avenue, Yubei District.

The transportation supporting resources within the surrounding straight line 1KM are (Dalong Mountain, SM Square, SM Square, Freeport, Du Zi Constellation, Longji Road, Songshi Branch Road, Daqing Village, Zhonghe Building Materials, Nanqiao Lijing, Songshi South Road) and so on.

Educational resources within 2km 10 (Longxi Diandian Kindergarten, Micro Harvard 3Q English (SM Plaza Store), Micro Harvard 3Q English (Chongqing SM Plaza Store), Ran Ran Language (Chongqing Yubei SM Plaza Store), Genius Baby (Longhu Center), Modern Music Education of Drum Tribe (Ranjiaba Store), and Art and Creative Workshop for Cattle and Horses (Ranjiaba Campus).

There are 9 medical resources around 2KM, of which Chongqing Tongkang Orthopedic Hospital is 55m away from the community, Chongqing Angel Maternity Hospital is 622m away from the community, Chongqing Metropolitan Beauty Hospital is 888m away from the community, Chongqing Donghe Hospital is1266m away from the community, Chongqing Ranjiaba Hospital is1326m away from the community, and Chongqing Sanbo Jiangling Hospital is 1424 away from the community. The Second People's Hospital in Yubei District is 1599 m away from the community, the Stomatological Hospital affiliated to Chongqing Medical University is 1700 m away from the community, and Chongqing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital (Nanqiao Temple District in Jiangbei District) is 194 1 m away from the community, which provides a guarantee for medical needs.

The commercial facilities around Freeport are: (Ace Waterproofing (Songshi Avenue Store), Tenghui Liquor Industry (Baishubao Interchange), Wal-Mart Shopping Plaza (Ranjiaba Store), B&Q (Longhu Store), Uniqlo (Chongqing SM Plaza Store), Chongqing SM Plaza, Watsons (Yubei SM Plaza Store), Longhu Zicheng Tianjie, Hao Tao Refrigeration and Decathlon (Jia Ran Store).

Click to see more: Freeport community details.