Chang Jichang is the youngest son of the last emperor, and he is half-brother to Emperor Xu. In the early years, Judy made a Covenant with Chu, and Judy sent a princess to Chu to marry the royal family of Chu. The prince of Chu noticed that the study of Buddhism in Qi was actually a proton.
Three years later, the first emperor died of illness, Wang Chu Fengyi rebelled, and his brother and Chang's maternal uncle also made an insurrection. Chang Jichang sent a letter from Zhu to Chu, earnestly saying that Chen had no second thoughts and broke off the relationship with his mother's uncle.
Chang Wang's personality characteristics:
On the surface, Chang Wang is simple and honest, and only wants to be an idle prince. In fact, he is a shrewd man, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, secretly netting the ministers of the DPRK and making himself bigger.
After the death of his beloved son Hai Ping, Jia's mood changed greatly, and he was vicious and often moody, which made many ministers dissatisfied, so he stood on the side of Chang Wang and wanted to overthrow Li Xin. On the surface, Xu Di is very kind to his younger brother Chang Wang and protects him, but he and Zhu Fang are very wary of Chang Wang.