Viewing the situation from Guan Zhong's Guan Zi in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty.
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If the mountain does not collapse, pray for the sheep; If you don't do it, the jade will sink to the ground. The weather is the same, the land is not easy, spring, summer, autumn and winter are not more festive, and it is the same in ancient and modern times. When the dragon gets water, God can stand; Tiger and leopard are quiet, but power can hold on; There is no hometown in wind and rain, and anger is better than resentment. You have to do what you want to do, and you have to forget what you want to do. You live long and die rich and die poor, and no one returns.
Those who hold a life-long title are also respected by the monarch; The name of the person who resigned is also lucky. There is nothing in the world, and the people try themselves; Without saying anything, I hugged Shu and the temple was repaired. Yu Hong Qiang Qiang, only folk songs; Helping many people is a loss and a loss. The problem of climbing over the eaves is not the guest; A collection of birds, regardless of the road. Sacrificing ghosts and gods is not enough; The main works are well-known. What is the treasure coin? The way to deal with it is not shooting; Zhao Fu's art is not control; Xi Zhong's cleverness is not cut. People far away do nothing, while people near say nothing. Only Nightcrawler is unique.
What is the height of the plain? Is there anything deep in the mountains? Don't be too big for those who flatter you. Courtiers can lift it from a distance; People who care about their troubles can get the guidance of the Tao. Its plan is also fast, and those who are worried are close, so don't call it; The elderly can be far-sighted; Cut more than others; Beautiful women's breasts, you must bring them, but don't get bored. What must be done is not enough; Keep your word, but don't take it for granted. Humble people are not upright, and people who eat are not fat. Those who abandon words are towering. It is difficult for a man to land on the shore three times, but an ape can't drink it. Therefore, it is a good and a curse to cut pity. If you can't go wild, you won't go against your horse. If you can give without taking, heaven and earth are in harmony.
Tired people are not as good as people who are not broad-minded. God is inside, but the loser is at the door. Those inside will be off, and those at the door will stay. Don't be lazy when you start warning, you will get hurt when you are young. If you forget it, you will lose your job at night. Evil spirits enter, positive color is decline. Not a gentleman, not a minister; If the father is not the father, then the son is not the son. If you lose your position, you lose your position. If there is discord between the superior and the subordinate, order will not work. Guests are not ashamed of improper clothes; If you don't advance, you will retreat. If you're pregnant, you'll be ready. Mo Lezhi, then Mo Ai; Live or die. The past doesn't come, and the new ones don't come.
Tao says differently and uses differently. There are people who know a good family, and people at home are also; He who knows the Tao and is good at being a native is also a native; There are people who know how to serve the country well, and people in a country also; Those who have heard the Tao and are beneficial to the world are also people in the world; There is a good match for those who know, which determines everything. When the road is gone, people will not come; People who come from the road will not leave. Where the Tao is determined, where it is transformed. Keep the sky and the sky, and keep the peace and the people. The loss of heaven, though full, will be exhausted; There is discord between the upper and lower levels, although security will be dangerous. If you want to rule the world and lose heaven, you can get it if you can't get it. If you get heaven, it will be natural; The way to lose the sky is uneasy. Tao is acquired, I don't know what it is; It's done. I don't know how to release it Seclusion is also heaven. People who doubt the present look at the past; I don't know who will come, but I'm looking forward to it. Everything is born, and all roads lead to the same goal, both ancient and modern.
If you are born, you will be angry; The weak son goes down to the tile, and the loving mother fucks it. Heaven is so extreme that those who are far away are blind; Starting with personnel, close relatives have quarreled. For people, no matter far or near, everything is selfless. There are more than enough capable people, but not enough poor people. God helps those who succeed in their work; Those who work against the sky, the sky is against the sky. God help is small, but it must be big; If heaven does not obey, it will fail. He who is in harmony with the sky has his merits, and he who goes against the sky is fierce and cannot be recovered.
The cunning of blackbird is good but unreasonable; A light knot, though strong, will untie. The use of Tao is also very important. Don't give up, don't be strong, don't tell me. If you can't, you can't, you don't know, it's in vain. I don't kiss it when I see it; Seeing the battle of mourning, it is almost impossible to knot; See the virtue of stone, I don't report it; The four sides return, and the heart also passes by. There are many troubles in the country that respects the king alone; The king of an independent country is humble but not arrogant; The daughter from the media is ugly and unbelieving. If you don't see it, you can go; It's been a long time, so you can come. The sun and the moon are unknown, and the sky is not easy; The mountain is too high to see, and the land is not easy. If you can't say it, don't say it; Do what you can, what you can't. What you say can't be answered, and what you do can't be repeated, which is forbidden by people with countries.
The mountain does not collapse, and some people cook sheep for sacrifice; Unfathomable and inexhaustible, some people cast jade for God. The sky does not change the routine, the earth does not change the law, and the solar terms do not change in spring, summer, autumn and winter. This has been the case since ancient times. Only when the dragon gets water can he establish a god; Tiger and leopard can maintain their strength by relying on deep mountains and valleys. Wind and rain have no definite direction, and no one will complain. People with high status give orders, people with low status forget meanness, and it is not unreasonable to live long, short, poor and rich.
It is because of the dignity of the monarch that the lieutenants can obey orders; I can accept instructions because of the role of the title of monarch and minister. You don't ask yourself, the people do things themselves; Holding a ritual vessel and not talking, political affairs will be generally enlightened. Swans make beautiful sounds, and people will praise them in unison; The Western Zhou Dynasty is rich in talents, and the adherents of Yin will also be affected. Don't listen to unfounded remarks; Passers-by are dismissive of such a trivial matter as gathering birds. Sacrificing ghosts and gods with cattle, sheep and jade articles is not necessarily blessed by ghosts and gods. As long as the monarch's achievements have a foundation, why use precious sacrifices! Houyi's archery is not a superficial action of archery; Zhao Fu's driving skill is not in the superficial action of driving; Xi Zhong's skill is not chopping wood. It is useless to rely solely on messengers to attract people from afar; People close to China can't help saying empty words. Only a monarch whose heart is serious about morality can have the effect of governing the country alone.
How is the small slope on the plain high? How can the small ditch on the mountain be deep? Those who only find fault with good people and speak well of bad people cannot be entrusted with heavy responsibilities. Ambitious people can plan great things with him; A knowledgeable person can govern the country with him. However, for those who are eager for quick success and instant benefit, don't call them back when they leave; People who pay attention to long-term interests will have a far-reaching impact; People with excellent materials and utensils will be relied on by everyone; To make people feel good about themselves, they should be virtuous and not tired. What you don't deserve, what you get, is unreliable; It is not credible to say yes when you should not. Being cautious can't achieve great things, just as being picky about food can't make you fat. Those who can't give up these maxims can compete with heaven and earth. It is difficult for people to jump off the cliff bank, which is still three meters high, but the monkey jumped into the water and drank it without care. Therefore, arrogance and arbitrariness are the evils of doing things. Although you don't run in the wild, don't throw your horse away. If you can give people benefits without asking for compensation, it will be as big as heaven and earth.
Lazy people always lag behind, and diligent people always do things quickly and effectively. If people who do things quickly enter the room, those who are behind are still outside the door. People who enter the room can take their time, and those who leave the door will be exhausted. Therefore, the dawn is lazy and the dusk suffers. If you forget what you should do in the morning, you will get nothing in the evening. When a person's pathogens invade the body, the positive color will drop. Monarchs are not like monarchs, and courtiers are certainly not like courtiers; A father is not like a father, and a son is certainly not like a son. If the monarch does not act according to his status, his officials will go beyond the norms that should be observed. If there is no harmony between superiors and subordinates, the law cannot be implemented. If the monarch is not dressed properly, the concierge is not serious. If the monarch's behavior is not in line with etiquette, it is difficult to implement policies and decrees. On the one hand, you care about your subjects, on the other hand, you have dignity. This is the way to be a monarch, and it is complete. The monarch cannot make his subjects happy, and his subjects will not share their worries for the monarch; The monarch can't let his subjects grow stronger, and his subjects won't sacrifice their lives for the monarch. What the monarch gave his subjects was not really realized; The subjects will not go all out to treat the monarch.
Regarding Tao, its theory is consistent, but its application is different. Some people know that they can manage the family, and he is the talent to manage the family; Some people know that they can govern a township, and he is a talented person in a township; Some people know that they can govern the country, and he is a talent of a country; Some people know that they can rule the world, and he is a talented person in the world; Some people know that it can make everything in its place, as big as heaven and earth. The people refused to vote for those who lost their way; People won't leave when they get the news. Where the Tao is, it will be assimilated by itself. Always stay strong and obey the heaven; Anyone who can survive is obedient to people's hearts. Violation of heaven, although full for a while, will eventually dry up; If there is discord between the upper and lower levels, although it is temporarily stable, it will eventually be dangerous. If you want to unify the whole country and violate heaven, it is impossible for him to unify the whole country. Master the heaven, and naturally succeed; Contrary to heaven, although success cannot be maintained. Those who have reached the Tao often don't know how they did it; I succeeded, but I often didn't realize how the Tao left. It's like hiding and being invisible. This is the "sky". However, if you have doubts about today, you can study ancient times, and if you don't know about the future, you can look up history. Although everything is different in nature and content, it is the same, from ancient times to the present.
No one hates wood as the pillar of a house, and the house collapses; When the child takes off the roof tiles, the loving mother will also hit a stick. Walk according to the sky, and those who are far away are close; Things begin with man-made, and the closest relatives should be disgusted. Everything is not far from people. Smart people use more than enough, but stupid people don't use enough. Do it according to heaven, and heaven will help him; If heaven goes, it will go against it. With the help of heaven, the weak can become strong; Abandoned by heaven, success can also become failure. Those who conform to heaven can get results, while those who violate heaven will lead to disaster.
Crow-like friendship, seemingly friendly, is actually not intimate; No overlapping knots, no matter how strong, should be loosened. Therefore, we must be cautious when actually using Tao. Don't give it to unreliable people, don't force people who can't do it, and don't tell unreasonable people. It is futile to give it to an unreliable person, a person who can't be forced, and a person who doesn't know the reason. Friends who appear friendly on the surface are actually close to intimacy; Showing dear friendship on the surface, close to not getting married; On the surface, showing generosity is close to asking for nothing in return. Only if you are serious in your heart will all directions join you. An arbitrary country is bound to be exhausted and full of disasters; The monarch of an autocratic country must be despicable and have no prestige. It's like a woman negotiating marriage alone. She must have a bad reputation and no credibility. But for monarchs who are admirable before meeting, they should go to the enemy; For the monarch who is unforgettable after such a long separation, he should come to help. The sun and the moon are sometimes unknown, but the sky will not change; Mountains are sometimes invisible, but the ground will not change. When it comes to talking, you shouldn't say it only once, but you can't say the wrong thing twice; When you do something, don't do it once, and you won't do it again. Repeating what you can't say and what you can't do is the biggest taboo for a king of a country.